CIE May 2023 9709 Pure Maths Paper 13 (9709/13/m/j/23)

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This page covers Questions and Worked Solutions for CIE Pure Maths Paper 1 May/June 2023, 9709/13.

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Question Paper Pure Maths Paper 1 May/June 2023, 9709/13

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Mark Scheme Pure Maths Paper 1 May/June 2023, 9709/13

Worked Solutions Pure Maths Paper 1 May/June 2023, 9709/11

  1. The diagram shows the graph of y = f(x), which consists of the two straight lines AB and BC. The lines A′B′ and B′C′ form the graph of y = g(x), which is the result of applying a sequence of two transformations, in either order, to y = f(x). State fully the two transformation.
  2. The function f is defined by f(x) = x2 − 6x + c, where c is a constant. It is given that f(x) > 2 for all values of x. Find the set of possible values of
  3. (a) Give the complete expansion of (x + 2/x)5.
  4. Show that the equation
  5. A circle has equation (x − 1)2 + (y + 4)2 = 40. A line with equation y = x − 9 intersects the circle at points A and B.
    (a) Find the coordinates of the two points of intersection.

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  1. The diagram shows a sector OAB of a circle with centre O and radius r cm. Angle AOB = θ radians. It is given that the length of the arc AB is 9.6 cm and that the area of the sector OAB is 76.8 cm2.
    (a) Find the area of the shaded region
  2. The function f is defined by f(x) = 2 − 5/(x + 2) for x > −2.
  3. A progression has first term a and second term
  4. A curve which passes through (0, 3) has equation y = f(x).
  5. The diagram shows the points

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