Having worked with many students who have successfully achieved high scores in the ACT over the years, we are shortlisting here the ACT study guides which students like yourself have found to be the most useful in preparing for the ACT. We strongly recommend that you buy at least two books to prepare for the ACT.
Firstly, you should get an official guide from the ACT Inc. The book will contain actual questions from prior ACT exams. There is a significant difference between the official questions you will be asked on the exam and the practice questions contained in all other books. You need a ACT Inc. publication to familiarize yourself with the quality of questions you will encounter on the ACT.
Secondly, you should consider buying at least one of the “unofficial” guides reviewed below. Knowing the time-proven test-taking strategies would help to improve your score. The better unofficial guides contain many such strategies, as well as explanations and timesaving techniques to answer questions.
You will greatly increase your chances of receiving a higher test score if you prepare yourself with ACT test-taking strategies and knowledge of actual questions from previous exams. All the following ACT study guides are comprehensive in helping you with the knowledge, strategies and practice to be well prepared.
#ad#ad | This is the only ACT guide written by the test makers, guiding you through the entire test experience, from registration through results. It contains 3 new full-length ACT practice tests. It also contains essential English, math, reading and science review as well as advice for students who want to excel in the new, optional essay test. This book is a strongly recommended for all college applicants planning to sit for the ACT. |
#ad | *Princeton Review ACT Prep, 2020* (Previously:Cracking the ACT/) will show you some test-taking techniques to raise your score. For example, how to spot errors in sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, how to zero in on main ideas, topic sentences, and key words for the reading comprehension and science reasoning problems and preparation strategies on how to write a strong essay. It includes 6 full-length ACT practice exams with explanations for each answer. |
This is an excellent guide to the ACT. It provides you all the information you need to succeed. It gives you strategies that take advantage of the test structure. It also shows you how to best manage your time. The book gives you enough materials to review, practice, plan you prep schedule and learn tips from experts so that you will test well. It includes 6 full-length ACT practice tests with answers. |
Besides these study guides, you may want to check our resources for ACT preparation. If you work better with some personal coaching, you can also find tutors for ACT English, ACT Reading, ACT Math or ACT Science.
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