Word Problems involving Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

These lessons, with videos, examples and step-by-step solutions, help Grade 4 students learn how solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions.

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Common Core For Grade 4

Common Core Standards: 4.NF.3a, 4.NF.3d, 4.NF.1, 4.MD.2

NYS Common Core Grade 4 Module 5, Lessons 19

Worksheets for Grade 4

Lesson 19 Concept Development

Problem 4: Use the RDW process to solve a word problem involving the subtraction of fractions.
Mrs. Jones had 1 4/8 pizzas left after a party. After giving some to Gary, she had 7/8 pizza left. What fraction of a pizza did she give Gary?

One way is to rewrite the mixed number as 12/8 and subtract. The other method subtracts from the whole and adds back the fractional part.

Lesson 19 Problem Set

Use the RDW process to solve.

  1. Sue ran 9/10 mile on Monday and 7/10 mile on Tuesday. How many miles did Sue run in the 2 days?
  2. Mr. Salazar cut his son’s birthday cake into equal pieces. Mr. Salazar, Mrs. Salazar, and the birthday boy each ate 1 piece of cake. What fraction of the cake was left?
  3. Maria spent 4/7 of her money on a book and saved the rest. What fraction of her money did Maria save?
  4. Mrs. Jones had 1 4/8 pizzas left after a party. After giving some to Gary, she had 7/8 pizza left? What fraction of a pizza did she give Gary?
  5. A baker had 2 pans of corn bread. He served 1 1/4 pans. What fraction of a pan was left?
  6. Marius combined 4/8 gallon of lemonade,3/8 gallon of cranberry juice, and 6/8 gallon of soda water to make a punch for a party. How many gallons of punch did he make in all?

Lesson 19 Homework

Use the RDW process to solve.

  1. Isla walked 3/4 mile each way to and from school on Wednesday. How many miles did Isla walk that day?
  2. Zach spent 2/3 hour reading on Friday and 1 1/3 hours reading on Saturday. How much more time did he read on Saturday than on Friday?
  3. Mrs. Cashmore bought a large melon. She cut a piece that weighed 1 1/8 pounds and gave it to her neighbor. The remaining piece of melon weighed 6/8 pound. How much did the whole melon weigh?
  4. Ally’s little sister wanted to help her make some oatmeal cookies. First, she put 5/8 cup of oatmeal in the bowl. Next, she added another 5/8 cup of oatmeal. Finally, she added another 5/8 cup of oatmeal. How much oatmeal did she put in the bowl?
  5. Marcia baked 2 pans of brownies. Her family ate 1 5/6 pans. What fraction of a pan of brownies was left?
  6. Joanie wrote a letter that was 1 1/4 pages long. Katie wrote a letter that was 3/4 page shorter than Joanie’s letter. How long was Katie’s letter?

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