Adding Doubles Worksheets

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Printable Addition Strategy Worksheets for 1st Grade:
Add by Counting On
Counting On with Missing Addend
Adding Doubles (eg. 3 + 3)
Add using Addition Facts

Make 10 strategy, addend is 9 (eg. 9 + 6)
Make 10 strategy, addend is 8 (eg. 8 + 5)
Make 10 strategy, addend is 7,8,9

Adding Doubles Worksheets

Learn how to add doubles. Adding doubles means to add 2 of the same numbers. Memorizing the doubles of single digit numbers (2+2, 3+3, and so on) are facts that are useful in mental math.

Adding doubles is a basic addition strategy where you add a number to itself. This involves recognizing pairs of numbers that are the same and quickly finding their sum.

  1. Identify the Doubles: Doubles are numbers that are the same when added. Examples include 1 + 1, 2 + 2, 3 + 3, and so on.
  2. Visualize the Doubles: Encourage students to visualize doubles using objects or drawings. For example, if you have two apples and add two more, you have a total of four apples.
  3. Memorize Doubles Facts: Emphasize the importance of memorizing doubles facts to make mental addition quicker and more efficient. This includes knowing the sums for all pairs of numbers up to a certain range.
  4. Mental Math Practice: Practice mental math by adding doubles without the need for counting each individual item. For example, for 6 + 6, recognize that the sum is 12 without counting on fingers or objects.

Adding doubles is a foundational skill in mental math. By recognizing and memorizing doubles facts, students can improve their efficiency in solving addition problems and build a strong foundation for more complex mathematical concepts. Regular practice and reinforcement will help solidify their understanding of doubles.

This adding doubles song will help you learn your addition facts for adding doubles for 1 through 10 Have a look at this video to help you learn

First Grade worksheets to help students learn how to add doubles within 20. Students can start with strategies like counting fingers, counting on or number bonds. With practice, they should be able to do the sums in their heads.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Adding Doubles Worksheets.

Adding Doubles worksheet for First Grade

More Adding Doubles Worksheets

Add, then write the missing number.

Adding Doubles Worksheet #1
(Answers on the second page)

Adding Doubles Worksheet #1 (Interactive)

Addition within 10 (eg. 3 + 5)
Addition within 20 (eg. 6 + 8)
Mixed Single Digit Addition

More Printable Worksheets

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