New York State Common Core Math Module 5, Grade 2, Lesson 8, Lesson 9
NYS Math Module 5 Grade 2 Lesson 8
Worksheets for Grade 2
Lesson 8 Homework
1. Solve the following problems using the vertical method, your place value chart, and
number disks. Bundle a ten or hundred when necessary.
e. 364 + 326
g. 384 + 225
2. Solve using mental math or your number disks.
a. 200 + 400
b. 220 + 400
c. 220 + 440
f. 500 + 60
g. 500 + 160
NYS Math Module 5 Grade 2 Lesson 9
Lesson 9 Homework
1. Solve the following problems using the vertical method, your place value chart and
number disks. Bundle a ten or hundred when necessary.
c. 446 + 334
f. 358 + 443
2. Solve using mental math, a simplifying strategy, or a place value chart and place value disks.
d. 275 + 435
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