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Plans and Worksheets for Grade 1
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Eureka Math/EngageNY grade 1 module 1 lesson 23 Worksheets
New York State Common Core Math Grade 1 Module 1, Lesson 23
Worksheets for First Grade
Worksheets and solutions to help Grade 1 students learn how to look for and make use of repeated reasoning on the addition chart by solving and analyzing problems with common addends.
Module 1 Topic F: Development of Addition Fluency Within 10
The following figure shows the addition chart with sums to 10.
Lesson 23 Concept Development and Problem Set
The following video will show how to see patterns in the addition chart.
Use your chart to write a list of number sentences in the spaces below.
Lesson 23 Concept Development and Homework
Look for patterns on the addition chart.
Fill in the missing box and find the totals for all expressions. Use your completed
addition chart to help you.
Try the free Mathway calculator and
problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own
problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
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