Addition Strategies Worksheets

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Addition Strategies Worksheets

Free printable and online math worksheets to help students learn how to apply the different addition strategies or short cuts to solving problems.

Addition is a fundamental operation in mathematics, and there are various strategies that can help make it more efficient for students. Here are some addition strategies and worksheets:

  1. Counting On: Start with the larger number and count on by the value of the smaller number. For example, for 7+4, you start with 7 and count on 4 more: 8, 9, 10, 11.
    Add by Counting On

  2. Doubles and Near Doubles: Use knowledge of doubles (e.g., 7+7) to solve related problems (e.g., 7+8 by adding one more).
    Adding Doubles (eg. 3 + 3)

  3. Know the basic Addition Facts: Memorize and recall these facts quickly.
    Addition within 10 (eg. 3 + 5)
    Addition within 20 (eg. 6 + 8)
    Mixed Single Digit Addition

  4. Use of Known Facts: Knowing basic addition facts can help students quickly solve more complex problems by building on what they already know. For example, if they know 5+3 then they also know 15+3.
    Add using Known Addition Facts

  5. Make Ten: Break down one of the numbers to make a ten. For example, for 8+7, you can break down 7 into 2 and 5, making it 8+2+5 to make a ten: 10+5=15.
    Make 10 strategy (eg. 67 + 4)
    Make 100 Strategy (eg. 440 + 280)

  6. Using Number Lines: Visualize the numbers on a number line and move along the line to add. It helps to see the distance between numbers.

  7. Place Value: Break down numbers into place values (e.g., tens and ones) and add each place value separately.
    Addition Facts to 20 (eg. 12 + 5)
    Add 10 to a 2-digit number (eg. 10 + 24)
    Add Whole Tens (eg. 50 + 60)
    Add Tens to a 2-digit number (eg. 60 + 34)

  8. Expanded Form: Express numbers in expanded form (e.g., 46=40+6) and then add the corresponding parts.

  9. Commutative Property: Use the commutative property to rearrange numbers for easier addition. For example, 7+8 is the same as 8+7.
    Add 3 numbers (make 10) (eg. 5 + 3 + 5)
    Add 3 single digit numbers (eg. 4 + 7 + 8)

  10. Compensation Addition: Adjust one of the numbers in a problem to make the addition easier, and then adjusting the final answer to compensate for the change.
    Compensation Addition (eg. 98 + 79)

  11. Arrow Addition Break down one of the numbers into smaller chunks and add the numbers in steps.
    Arrow Addition (eg. 450 + 360)

  12. Regrouping (Carrying): For multi-digit numbers, regrouping is used to carry over the value when the sum exceeds 9 in a particular place.
    2-digit + 1-digit (eg. 48 + 5)
    2-digit + 2-digit (eg. 64 + 29)
    3-digit + 2-digit (eg. 543 + 39)
    3-digit + 3-digit (eg. 648 + 594)

  13. Estimation: Round numbers to the nearest ten or hundred for quick mental calculation before finding the exact sum.
    Round to nearest 10 (3-digit) (eg. 725 -> 730)
    Round to nearest 100 (3-digit) (eg. 651 -> 700)
    Round to nearest 10 or 100 (3-digit)

Encourage students to explore and use different addition strategies based on their understanding and comfort level. Mastery of these strategies contributes to a strong foundation in arithmetic and mental math skills.

Have a look at this video if you need help on how to use some of the addition strategies.

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