Algebra Math Riddles Collection

A collection of Algebra Math Riddles for fun and pleasure! Tease your brain with these riddles, then check your answers.

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Algebra Riddles

Printable & Online Algebra Worksheets

The Cat, Fish, And Bird Riddle
A child spent $100.00 to get 100 toy animals. The child bought at least one cat, one fish, and one bird, and did not buy any other toys. If a cat costs $10.00, a fish costs $3.00, and a bird costs $0.50, how many of each toy did the child buy?

The Lying Fishermen Riddle
Catherine asks,“How many fish did you catch?"
Barney said,“I caught 5."
Alfred said,“I caught 2."
Barney then says,“Don’t listen to Alfred. You have to multiply any number he speaks aloud by 6 to get the real value."
Alfred then says,“Don’t listen to Barney. You have to subtract 2 from any number he speaks aloud to get the real value."
Catherine knows Alfred always speaks aloud a number equal to the real number divided by some constant, and Barney always speaks aloud a number equal to the real number plus some fixed value.
Catherine, after thinking it over, says,“I know how many fish each of you actually caught!"
How many fish did Barney actually catch, and how many did Alfred actually catch?

Apple, Banana and Cherry Riddle
The numbers a, b, and c are positive integers.
An apple cost $a, a banana costs $b, and a cherry costs $c.
The cost of b apples, b bananas, and a + b cherries is $77.
What would the cost be for one apple, two bananas, and one cherry?

How would you prove that 2 = 1?

Why didn’t the Romans find algebra challenging?

How can you add eight 8’s to get the number 1,000?

How do we know that the following fractions are in Europe? A/C, X/C and W/C ?

Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each person had an egg. How is that possible?

What digit is the least frequent between the numbers 1 and 1,000 (inclusive)?

What digit is the most frequent between the numbers 1 and 1,000?

What do you get when you combine Einstein and Pythagoras discoveries?

How do you expand (a + b)2?

A man is in a tree and using a pot. What do you call the pot? (submitted by Matt)

Are these too easy? You may want to try some harder math puzzles or math riddles by Lewis Carroll

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