Analyse the make-up of a Compound

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A series of free IGCSE Chemistry Activities and Experiments (Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry).

Look up the following tests for cations, anions, gases, hydrocarbons etc. if necessary:
Identify Cations
Identify Anions
Collect and Identify Gases
Identify Hydrocarbons and Others


  1. How would you test for ammonium ions?
  2. How would you test for carbonate ions?



  1. Place a little ammonium carbonate in a boiling tube.
  2. Heat using the blue flame of a Bunsen burner until no further change takes place.

What did you observe when you heated the first sample of ammonium carbonate?


Place another sample of ammonium carbonate in the tube.

  1. Heat the tube gently and hold a piece of moist red litmus paper next to the delivery tube.
  2. Continue heating and use the delivery tube to bubble the gas produced through limewater.
  3. Stop heating and test any liquid at the top of the boiling tube with cobalt chloride paper.


  1. What happened to the litmus paper?
  2. What conclusion can you draw?
  3. What happened to the limewater?
  4. What conclusions can you draw?
  5. What happened to the cobalt chloride paper?
  6. What conclusions can you draw?
  7. Write an equation to show what happens when ammonium carbonate is heated.
  8. How does this explain your observations in the first part of the experiment?
    Heating ammonium chloride When ammonium chloride is heated, the following reaction takes place:
    NH4Cl ⇆ NH3 + HCl
    ammonium chloride ⇆ ammonia + hydrogen chloride
    The white solid (ammonium chloride) changes to gas and then re-forms at the top of the tube as a white solid.
  9. What does the symbol ⇆ mean?


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