A series of free Intermediate Algebra Lessons.
How to solve word problems that involve rational expressions?
Applications of Rational Expressions
The speed of a plane is seven times as great as the speed of a car. The car takes 3h longer than the plane to travel 315 km. Determine the speed of the car and the speed of the plane, in km/h.
Rational Equations: Applications - Work Word Problems
Here are a few examples of work problems that are solved with rational equations.
Direct variation application | Rational expressions | Algebra II
In outer space the distance an object travels varies directly with the amount of time that it travels. If an asteroid travels 3000 miles in 6 hours what is the constant of variation?
Inverse variation application | Rational expressions
On a string instrument the length of a string varies inversely as the frequency of its vibrations (the vibrations are what give string instruments their sound). An 11-inch string has a frequency of 400 cycles per second. Find the constant of proportionality and then find the frequency of a 10-inch string.
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