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Apply Law of Sines

Video lessons, examples and solutions to help High School students learn how to understand and apply the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines to find unknown measurements in right and non-right triangles (e.g., surveying problems, resultant forces).

Common Core: HSG-SRT.D.11

Example: Solve a Triangle Using the Law of Sines
This video provides an example of solving a triangle using the law of sines given SSA.

The Law of Sines: The Ambiguous Case
This video explains how to solve a triangle using the law of sines when given SSA.

Example: Solve a Triangle Using the Law of Sines Given Two Angles and One Side (AAS).
This videos solve a triangle using the law of sines given the measure of two angles and the length of one side.

Example: Application Problem Solved Using the Law of Sines
This is an example of determine the distance from an airplane to a tower and the altitude of a plane using the law of sines.

Ex: Law of Sines to Determine a Height of a Building Given Two Angles of Elevation
This video explains how to use the Law of Sines and right triangle trigonometry to determine the height of a building given two angles of elevation.

Ex: Law of Sine to Determine a Height of a Satellite Given Two Angles of Elevation
This video explains how to use the Law of Sines and right triangle trigonometry to determine the height of a satellite given two angles of elevation.

Example 1: Determine an Unknown Length Using the Law of Sines
This video provides an application of the law of sines to determine the distance across the river.

Example 2: Determine an Unknown Length Using the Law of Sines
This video provides an application of the law of sines to determine an unknown length on a slope.

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