Test for Gases - Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide

In these lessons, we will learn the test for Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.

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How to test for Oxygen?

  1. Fill the test tube with the gas.
  2. Light one end of the wooden splint using a match.
  3. Put out the flame, so that it is only glowing.
  4. Insert the glowing splint into the test tube with the gas. The splint will immediately burst into flame if the gas is oxygen.

How to test for Hydrogen?

  1. Fill the test tube with the gas.
  2. Light one end of the wooden splint using a match.
  3. Insert the burning splint into the test tube with the gas. A small explosion with a “pop” sound will indicate that it is hydrogen.

How to test for Carbon Dioxide?

  1. Bubble the gas through lime water.
  2. The lime water will turn milky or cloudy to indicate that the gas is carbon dioxide.

This video shows how to test for the different gases Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide.

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