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Worksheets on Order of Operations
In these lessons, we will learn the order of operations when calculating an expression with mixed operations.
When a calculation involves a mixture of operations, the order of the operations is important. Multiplications and divisions are done first, while additions and subtractions are done afterwards. To override this, brackets need to be used.
The mnemonics BODMAS can be used to help us remember the order which is shown in the following table. Scroll down the page if you need more examples and explanation about BODMAS.
The following mnemonics are also used:
BIDMAS where I is for Indices
BEDMAS where E is for Exponents
PEMDAS where P is for Parenthesis
Order of Operations
In this video you’ll learn about one of the most important areas of number work - the order of operations. You’ll learn that the order in which we carry out any calculation is very important. This video describes a simple set of rules that make sure that anyone doing a calculation does so in the same way. You’ll see that these rules can be remembered really easily using the acronym BIDMAS, or BODMAS as it is also known.
This is the order in which you should do a maths equations.
First do anything in brackets.
Second, do any orders (these are squared, cubed, square root and the like).
Any multiplication or divide come next,
and finally do any addition or subtraction…left to right.
Order of Operations (BODMAS, BIDMAS, PEDMAS, PEMDAS)
GCSE and key stage 3 maths.
BODMAS - Do the (Brackets) first
BODMAS - Orders come after that
BODMAS - Divide or Multiply
BODMAS - Add or Subtract
A fun way of introducing the mathematical calculation convention, the BODMAS song.
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