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Math Worksheets
Lessons for Fourth Grade
Free Printable Worksheets
Printable “Geometry” Worksheets:
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Classify Triangles
In these free math worksheets, students analyze and classify triangles based on side length, angle measure, or both.
How to classify triangles?
Triangles can be classified based on the length of their sides and the size of their angles.
Here are the common classifications:
Based on the length of the sides:
Based on the size of the angles:
Combining the two classifications, we can have more specific classifications such as:
Have a look at this video if you need to review how to classify by sides and angles.
Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Classify Triangles Worksheets.
Classify Triangles Worksheet #1
(Answers on the second page.)
Classify Triangles Worksheet #2
(Answers on the second page.)
Analyze Triangles Word Problems
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