Coin Names and Values

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Videos, examples, and solutions to help Grade 1 students learn how to identify varied coins by their image, name, or value. Add one cent to the value of any coin.

Common Core Standards: 1.MD.3

New York State Common Core Math Grade 1, Module 6, Lessons 22
Worksheets for First Grade

Topic E: Coins and Their Values

Lesson 22 Homework

  1. Match the label to the correct coins and write the value. There will be more than one match for each coin name.
  2. Lee has one coin in his pocket and Pedro has 3 coins. Pedro has more money than Lee. Draw a picture to show the coins each boy might have.
  3. Bailey has 4 coins in her pocket and Ingrid has 4 coins. Ingrid has more money than Bailey. Draw a picture to show the coins each girl might have.

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