Common Core Kindergarten Math (Homework, Lesson Plans & Worksheets)

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The following lesson plans, worksheets and video lessons are for the New York State Education Department Common Core-aligned educational resources. Eureka/EngageNY Math Kindergarten Worksheets.

Printable Common Core Worksheets for Kindergarten

These Lesson Plans and Worksheets are divided into six modules.

Kindergarten Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Homework

Topics and Objectives (Module 1)
A. Attributes of Two Related Objects
Standard: K.MD.3
Days: 3

Module 1 Overview

Topic A Overview

Lesson 1: Analyze to find two objects that are exactly the same or not exactly the same. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 2: Analyze to find two similar objects-these are the same but. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 3: Classify to find two objects that share a visual pattern, color, and use. (Video Lesson)
B. Classify to Make Categories and Count
Standard: K.CC.4, K.MD.3
Days: 3

Topic B Overview

Lesson 4: Classify items into two pre-determined categories. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 5: Classify items into three categories, determine the count in each, and reason about how the last number named determines the total. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 6: Sort categories by count. Identify categories with two, three, and four within a given scenario. (Video Lesson)
C: Numerals to 5 in Different Configurations, Math Drawings, and Expressions
Standard: K.CC.4, K.CC.5, K.OA.3, K.MD.3
Days: 5

Topic C Overview

Lesson 7: Sort by count in vertical columns and horizontal rows (linear configurations to 5). Match to numerals on cards. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 8: Answer how many questions to 5 in linear configurations (5-group), with 4 in an array configuration. Compare ways to count 5 fingers. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 9: Within linear and array dot configurations of numbers 3, 4, and 5 find hidden partners. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 10: Within circular and scattered dot configurations of numbers 3, 4, and 5 find hidden partners. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 11: Model decompositions of 3 with materials, drawings, and expressions. Represent the decomposition as 1 + 2 and 2 + 1. (Video Lesson)
D. The Concept of Zero and Working with Numbers 0 to 5
Standard: K.CC.3, K.CC.4, K.CC.5
Days: 5

Topic D Overview

Lesson 12: Understand the meaning of zero. Write the numeral 0. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 13: Order and write numerals 0-3 to answer how many questions. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 14: Writer numerals 1-3. Represent decompositions with materials, drawings, and equations, 3 = 2 + 1 and 3 = 1 + 2. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 15: Order and write numerals 4 and 5 to answer how many questions in categories; sort by count. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 16: Write numerals 1-5 in order. Answer and make drawings of decompositions with totals of 4 and 5 without equations. (Video Lesson)
Mid-Module Assessment: Topics A-D (Interview style assessment: 3 days)
E. Working with Numbers 6 to 8 in Different Configurations
Standard: K.CC.3, K.CC.4, K.CC.5, K.MD.3
Days: 6
Topic E Overview

Lesson 17: Count 4 to 6 objects in vertical and horizontal linear configurations and array (i.e., 3 and 3, 3 twos) configurations. Match 6 objects to the numeral 6. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 18: Count 4 to 6 objects in circular and scattered configurations. Count 6 items out of a larger set. Write numerals 1 to 6 in order. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 19: Count 5 to 7 linking cubes in linear configurations. Match with numeral 7. Count on fingers from 1 to 7 and connect to 5-group images. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 20: Reason about sets of 7 varied objects in circular and scattered configurations. Find a path through the scattered configuration. Write numeral 7. Ask, "How is your seven different than mine?" (Video Lesson)

Lesson 21: Compare counts of 8. For example, 8 cubes or 8 cotton balls in linear and array i.e., 4 and 4 or 4 twos) configurations. Match with numeral 8. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 22: Arrange and strategize to count 8 beans in circular (around a cup) and scattered configurations. Write numeral 8. Find a path through the scatter set and compare paths with a partner. (Video Lesson)
Working with Numbers 9 to 10 in Different Configurations
Standard: K.CC.3, K.CC.4, K.CC.5
Days: 6

Topic F Overview

Lesson 23: Organize and count 9 varied geometric objects in linear and array (3 threes) configurations. Place objects on 5-group dot mat. Match with numeral 9. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 24: Strategize to count 9 objects in circular (around a paper plate) and scattered configurations printed on paper. Write numeral 9. Represent a path through the scatter count with a pencil. Number each object. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 25, Lesson 26: Count 10 objects in linear and array configurations (5 and 5). Match with numeral 10. Place on the 5-group dot mat. Dialogue about 9 and 10 on the mat. Write numeral 10. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 27: Count 10 objects and move between all configurations. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 28: Act out result unknown story problems without equations. (Video Lesson)
G. One More Than with Numbers 0 to 10
Standard: K.CC.4, K.CC.2, K.CC.5
Days: 4

Topic G Overview

Lesson 29: Order and match numeral and dot cards from 1 to 10. State 1 more than a given number. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 30: Exploration: Make math stairs from 1 to 10 in cooperative groups. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 31: Arrange, analyze, and draw 1 more up to 10 in configurations other than towers. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 32: Arrange, analyze, and draw sequences of quantities of 1 more, beginning with numbers other than 1. (Video Lesson)
H. One Less Than with Numbers 0 to 10
Standard: K.CC.4, K.CC.5
Days: 5

Topic H Overview

Lesson 33: Order quantities from 10 to 1 and match numerals. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 34: Count down from 10 to 1 and state 1 less than a given number. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 35: Arrange number towers in order from 10 to 1 and describe the pattern. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 36: Arrange, analyze, and draw sequences of quantities that are 1 less in configurations other than towers. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 37: Culminating task-Materials for this task include 5-group cards from 0 to 10.

"Decide how to classify the objects in your bag into two groups. Count the number of objects in each group. Represent the greater number in various ways. Next, remove the card from your pack that shows the number of objects in the smaller group. Put your remaining cards in order from smallest to greatest. Your friends will have to figure out what card is missing when they visit your station!"
End-of-Module Assessment: Topics E-H (Interview style assessment: 3 days)
Total Number of Instructional Days: 43

Topics and Objectives (Module 2)
A. Two-Dimensional Flat Shapes
Standard: K.G.1, K.G.2, K.G.4, K.MD.3
Days: 5

Module 2 Overview

Topic A Overview

Lesson 1: Find and describe flat triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, and circles using informal language without naming. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 2: Explain decisions about classifications of triangles into categories using variants and non-examples. Identify shapes as triangles. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 3: Explain decisions about classifications of rectangles into categories using variants and non-examples. Identify shapes as rectangles. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 4: Explain decisions about classifications of hexagons and circles and identify them by name. Make observations using variants and non-examples. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 5: Describe and communicate positions of all flat shapes using the words above, below, beside, in front of, next to, and behind. (Video Lesson)
B. Three-Dimensional Solid Shapes
Standard: K.G.1, K.G.2, K.G.4, K.MD.3
Days: 3

Topic B Overview

Lesson 6: Find and describe solid shapes using informal language without naming. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 7: Explain decisions about classification of solid shapes into categories. Name the solid shapes. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 8: Describe and communicate positions of all solid shapes using the words above, below, beside, in front of, next to, and behind. (Video Lesson)
C. Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Shapes
Standard: K.MD.3, K.G.3, K.G.4, K.G.1, K.G.2
Days: 2

Topic C Overview

Lesson 9: Identify and sort shapes as two-dimensional or three-dimensional and recognize two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes in different orientations and sizes. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 10: Culminating task-collaborative groups create displays of different flat shapes with examples, non-examples, and a corresponding solid shape.
End-of-Module Assessment: Topics A-C (Interview style assessment: 2 days)
Total Number of Instructional Days: 12

Topics and Objectives (Module 3)
A. Comparison of Length and Height
Standard: K.MD.1, K.MD.2
Days: 3

Module 3 Overview

Topic A Overview

Lesson 1: Compare lengths using taller than and shorter than with aligned and non-aligned endpoints. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 2: Compare length measurements with string. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 3: Make series of longer than and shorter comparisons. (Video Lesson)
B. Comparison of Length and Height of Linking Cube Sticks Within 10
Standard: K.MD.1, K.MD.2, K.CC.4, K.CC.5, K.CC.6
Days: 4

Topic B Overview

Lesson 4: Compare the length of linking cube sticks to a 5-stick. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 5: Determine which linking cube stick is taller than or shorter than the other. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 6: Compare the length of linking cube sticks to various objects. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 7: Compare objects using the same as (Video Lesson).
C. Comparison of Weight
Standard: K.MD.1, K.MD.2
Days: 5

Topic C Overview

Lesson 8: Compare using heavier than and lighter than with classroom objects. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 9: Compare objects using heavier than, lighter than, and the same as with balance scales. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 10: Compare the weight of an object to a set of unit weights on a balance scale. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 11: Observe conservation of weight on the balance scale. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 12: Compare the weight of an object with sets of different objects on a balance scale. (Video Lesson)
D. Comparison of Volume
Standard: K.MD.1, K.MD.2
Days: 3

Topic D Overview

Lesson 13: Compare volume using more than, less than, and the same as by pouring. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 14: Explore conservation of volume by pouring. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 15: Compare using the same as with units. (Video Lesson)
Mid Module Assessment: Topics A-D (Interview style assessment: 3 days)
E. Is There Enough?
Standard: K.CC.6
Days: 4

Topic E Overview

Lesson 16: Make informal comparison of area. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 17: Compare to find if there is enough. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 18: Compare using more than and the same as (Video Lesson)

Lesson 19: Compare using fewer than and the same as (Video Lesson)
F. Comparison of Sets Within 10
Standard: K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.CC.4, K.MD.2
Days: 5

Topic F Overview

Lesson 20: Relate more and less to length. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 21: Compare sets informally using more, less, and fewer. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 22: Identify and create a set that has the same number of objects. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 23: Reason to identify and make a set that has 1 more. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 24: Reason to identify and make a set that has 1 less. (Video Lesson)
G. Comparison of Numerals
Standard: K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.CC.4
Days: 4

Topic G Overview

Lesson 25: Match and count to compare a number of objects. State which quantity is more. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 26: Match and count to compare two sets of objects. State which quantity is less. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 27: Strategize to compare two sets. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 28: Visualize quantities to compare two numerals. (Video Lesson)
H. Clarification of Measurable Attributes
Standard: K.MD.1, K.MD.2, K.CC.6, K.CC.7
Days: 4

Topic H Overview

Lesson 29: Observe cups of colored water of equal volume poured into a variety of container shapes.

Lesson 30: Use balls of clay of equal weights to make sculptures.

Lesson 31: Use benchmarks to create and compare rectangles of different lengths to make a city.

Lesson 32: Culminating task - describe measurable attributes of single objects.
End-of-Module Assessment: Topics E-H (Interview style assessment: 3 days)
Total Number of Instructional Days: 38
Topics and Objectives (Module 4)
A. Compositions and Decompositions of 2, 3, 4, and 5
Standard: K.OA.1, K.OA.3, K.OA.5
Days: 6

Module 4 Overview

Topic A Overview

Lesson 1: Model composition and decomposition of numbers to 5 using actions, objects, and drawings. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 2: Model composition and decomposition of numbers to 5 using fingers and linking cube sticks. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 3: Represent composition story situations with drawings using numeric number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 4: Represent decomposition story situations with drawings using numeric number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 5: Represent composition and decomposition of numbers to 5 using pictorial and numeric number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 6: Represent number bonds with composition and decomposition story situations. (Video Lesson)
B. Decompositions of 6, 7, and 8 into Number Pairs
Standard: K.OA.3, K.OA.1, K.OA.4
Days: 6

Topic B Overview

Lesson 7: Model decompositions of 6 using a story situation, objects, and number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 8: Model decompositions of 7 using a story situation, sets, and number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 9: Model decompositions of 8 using a story situation, arrays, and number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 10: Model decompositions of 6 to 8 using linking cube sticks to see patterns. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 11: Represent decompositions for 6 to 8 using horizontal and vertical number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 12: Use 5-groups to represent the 5 + n pattern to 8. (Video Lesson)
C. Addition with Totals of 6, 7, and 8
Standard: K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.3, K.OA.4
Days: 6

Topic C Overview

Lesson 13: Represent decomposition and composition addition stories to 6 with drawings and equations with no unknown. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 14: Represent decomposition and composition addition stories to 7 with drawings and equations with no unknown. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 15: Represent decomposition and composition addition stories to 8 with drawings and equations with no unknown. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 16: Solve add to with result unknown word problems to 8 with equations. Box the unknown. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 17: Solve put together with total unknown word problems to 8 using objects and drawings. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 18: Solve both addends unknown word problems to 8 to find addition patterns in number pairs. (Video Lesson)
D. Subtraction from Numbers to 8
Standard: K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.3
Days: 6

Topic D Overview

Lesson 19: Use objects and drawings to find how many are left. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 20: Solve take from with result unknown expressions and equations using the minus sign with no unknown. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 21: Represent subtraction story problems using objects, drawings, expressions, and equations. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 22: Decompose the number 6 using 5-group drawings by breaking off or removing a part, and record each decomposition with a drawing and subtraction equation. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 23: Decompose the number 7 using 5-group drawings by hiding a part, and record each decomposition with a drawing and subtraction equation. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 24: Decompose the number 8 using 5-group drawings and crossing off a part, and record each decomposition with a drawing and subtraction equation. (Video Lesson)
Mid-Module Assessment: Topics A-D
E. Decompositions of 9 and 10 into Number Pairs
Standard: K.OA.3
Days: 4

Topic E Overview

Lesson 25: Model decompositions of 9 using a story situation, objects, and number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 26: Model decompositions of 9 using fingers, linking cubes, and number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 27: Model decompositions of 10 using a story situation, objects, and number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 28: Model decompositions of 10 using fingers, sets, linking cubes, and number bonds. (Video Lesson)
F. Addition with Totals of 9 and 10
Standard: K.OA.2
Days: 4

Topic F Overview

Lesson 29: Represent pictorial decomposition and composition addition stories to 9 with 5-group drawings and equations with no unknown. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 30: Represent pictorial decomposition and composition addition stories to 10 with 5-group drawings and equations with no unknown. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 31: Solve add to with total unknown and put together with total unknown problems with totals of 9 and 10. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 32: Solve both addends unknown word problems with totals of 9 and 10 using 5-group drawings. (Video Lesson)
G. Subtraction from 9 and 10
Standard: K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.3
Days: 4

Topic G Overview

Lesson 33: Solve take from equations with no unknown using numbers to 10.

Lesson 34: Represent subtraction story problems by breaking off, crossing out, and hiding a part.

Lesson 35: Decompose the number 9 using 5-group drawings, and record each decomposition with a subtraction equation.

Lesson 36: Decompose the number 10 using 5-group drawings, and record each decomposition with a subtraction equation.
H. Patterns with Adding 0 and 1 and Making 10
Standard: K.OA.1, K.OA.2, K.OA.4
Days: 5

Topic H Overview

Lesson 37: Add or subtract 0 to get the same number and relate to word problems wherein the same quantity that joins a set, separates.

Lesson 38: Add 1 to numbers 1-9 to see the pattern of the next number using 5-group drawings and equations.

Lesson 39: Find the number that makes 10 for numbers 1-9, and record each with a 5-group drawing.

Lesson 40: Find the number that makes 10 for numbers 1-9, and record each with an addition equation.

Lesson 41: Culminating task-choose tools strategically to model and represent a stick of 10 cubes broken into two parts.
End-of-Module Assessment: Topics E-H
Total Number of Instructional Days: 47

Topics and Objectives (Module 5)
A. Count 10 Ones and Some Ones
Standard: K.CC.1, K.NBT.1, K.CC.2, K.CC.4, K.CC.5
Days: 5

Count the Regular Way and Count the Say Ten Way (Math Way) (Video) Module 5 Overview

Topic A Overview

Lesson 1: Count straws into piles of ten; count the piles as 10 ones. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 2: Count 10 objects within counts of 10 to 20 objects, and describe as 10 ones and ___ ones. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 3: Count and circle 10 objects within images of 10 to 20 objects, and describe as 10 ones and ___ ones. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 4: Count straws the Say Ten way to 19; make a pile for each ten. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 5: Count straws the Say Ten way to 20; make a pile for each ten. (Video Lesson)
B. Compose Numbers 11 to 20 from 10 Ones and Some Ones; Represent and Write Teen Numbers
Standard: K.CC.3, K.NBT.1, K.CC.1, K.CC.2, K.CC.4, K.CC.5
Days: 4

Topic B Overview

Lesson 6: Model with objects and represent numbers 10 to 20 with place value or Hide Zero cards. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 7: Model and write numbers 10 to 20 as number bonds. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 8: Model teen numbers with materials from abstract to concrete. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 9: Draw teen numbers from abstract to pictorial. (Video Lesson)
C. Decompose Numbers 11 to 20, and Count to Answer "How Many?" Questions in Varied Configurations
Standard: K.CC.4, K.CC.5, K.NBT.1, K.CC.5
Days: 5

Topic C Overview

Lesson 10: Build a Rekenrek to 20. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 11: Show, count, and write numbers 11 to 20 in tower configurations increasing by 1 (a pattern of 1 larger). (Video Lesson)

Lesson 12: Represent numbers 20 to 11 in tower configurations decreasing by 1 (a pattern of 1 smaller). (Video Lesson)

Lesson 13: Show, count, and write to answer how many questions in linear and array configurations. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 14: Show, count, and write to answer how many questions with up to 20 objects in circular configurations. (Video Lesson)
Mid-Module Assessment: Topics A (interview style assessment)
D. Extend the Say Ten and Regular Count Sequence to 100
Standard: K.CC.1, K.CC.2, K.CC.3, K.CC.4, K.CC.5, K.NBT.1
Days: 5

Topic D Overview

Lesson 15: Count up and down by tens to 100 with Say Ten and regular counting. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 16: Count within tens by ones. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 17: Count across tens when counting by ones through 40. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 18: Count across tens by ones to 100 with and without objects.

Lesson 19: Explore numbers on the Rekenrek. (Optional)
E. Represent and Apply Compositions and Decompositions of Teen Numbers
Standard: K.CC.5, K.NBT.1, K.CC.1, K.CC.2, K.CC.3, K.CC.4, K.CC.5
Days: 5

Topic E Overview

Lesson 20: Represent teen number compositions and decompositions as addition sentences. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 21: Represent teen number decompositions as 10 ones and some ones and find a hidden part. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 22: Decompose teen numbers as 10 ones and some ones; compare some ones to compare the teen numbers. (Video Lesson)

Lesson 23: Reason about and represent situations, decomposing teen numbers into 10 ones and some ones and composing 10 ones and some ones into a teen number.

Lesson 24: Culminating Task - Represent teen number decompositions in various ways.
End-of-Module Assessment: Topics D-E (Interview style assessment)
Total Number of Instructional Days: 30
Topics and Objectives (Module 6)
A. Building and Drawing Flat and Solid Shapes
Standard: K.CC.4, K.CC.5, K.G.2, K.G.4
Days: 5

Module 6 Overview

Topic A Overview

Lesson 1: Describe the systematic construction of flat shapes using ordinal numbers.

Lesson 2: Build flat shapes with varying side lengths and record with drawings.

Lesson 3: Compose solids using flat shapes as a foundation.

Lesson 4: Describe the relative position of shapes using ordinal numbers.
B. Composing and Decomposing Shapes
Standard: K.G.6, K.G.1, K.G.4
Days: 4

Topic B Overview

Lesson 5: Compose flat shapes using pattern blocks and drawings.

Lesson 6: Decompose flat shapes into two or more shapes.

Lesson 7: Compose simple shapes to form a larger shape described by an outline.

Lesson 8: Culminating task-review selected topics to create a cumulative year-end project.
End-of-Module Assessment: Topics A-B
Total Number of Instructional Days: 10

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