Compare Decimals

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Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 4 students learn how to use the place value chart and metric measurement to compare decimals and answer comparison questions.

Topic C: Decimal Comparison

Common Core Standards: 4.NF.7, 4.MD.1, 4.MD.2

NYS Common Core Grade 4 Module 6, Lesson 9

Worksheets for Grade 4

Lesson 9 Concept Development

Problem 1: Compare pairs of decimal numbers representing length.

Problem 2: Compare pairs of decimal numbers representing mass.

Problem 3: Compare pairs of decimal numbers representing volume.

Lesson 9 problem Set

  1. Express the lengths of the shaded parts in decimal form. Write a sentence that compares the two lengths. Use the expression shorter than or longer than in your sentence.
  2. a. Examine the mass of each item as shown below on the 1 kilogram scales. Put an X over the items that are heavier than the avocado.
    b. Express the mass of each item on the place value chart.
    c. Complete the statements below using the words heavier than or lighter than in your statements.
    The avocado is _________________________ the apple.
    The bunch of bananas is __________________________ the potato.
  3. Record the volume of water in each cylinder on the place value chart below.
    Compare the values using >, <, or =.
    a. 0.9 L _____ 0.6 L
    b. 0.48 L _____ 0.6 L
    c. 0.3 L _____ 0.19 L
    d. Write the volume of water in each beaker in order from least to greatest.

Lesson 9 Homework

  1. Express the lengths of the shaded parts in decimal form. Write a sentence that compares the two lengths. Use the expression shorter than or longer than in your sentence.
  2. a. Examine the mass of each item as shown below on the 1 kilogram scales. Put an X over the items that are heavier than the volleyball.
    b. Express the mass of each item on the place value chart.
    c. Complete the statements below using the words heavier than or lighter than in your statements.
    The soccer ball is _________________________ the baseball.
    The volleyball is __________________________ the basketball.
  3. Record the volume of water in each cylinder on the place value chart below.
    Compare the values using >, <, or =.
    a. 0.4 L _____ 0.2 L
    b. 0.62 L _____ 0.7 L
    c. 0.2 L _____ 0.28 L
    d. Write the volume of water in each beaker in order from least to greatest.

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