Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheets

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Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheets

In these free math worksheets, you will learn how to compare fractions on the number line.

  • Compare fractions and whole numbers on the number line by reasoning about their distance from 0.
  • Understand distance and position the number line as strategies for comparing fractions.

How to compare fractions with the same numerator visually?
Comparing fractions with the same numerator is relatively straightforward because the key factor determining their size is the denominator. The bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.

Imagine the fractions as parts of a whole (e.g., slices of a pizza or pies).
The fraction with the smaller denominator represents larger pieces of the whole, making it the bigger fraction.
Conversely, the fraction with the larger denominator represents smaller pieces, making it the smaller fraction.
Example: Compare 3/4 and 3/8.
3/4 represents 3 out of 4 equal slices of a pizza.
3/8 represents 3 out of 8 smaller slices of the same pizza.
Since 3 slices of larger pieces are bigger than 3 slices of smaller pieces, 3/4 is bigger than 3/8.

When comparing fractions with the same numerator, focus on the denominators. The fraction with the smaller denominator represents larger parts of the whole, making it greater. The fraction with the larger denominator represents smaller parts, making it less.

Have a look at this video if you need to learn how compare fractions with the same numerator.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheets.

Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheet

More Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheet #1
Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheet #2
Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheet #3 (use <,>,=)
Compare Fractions with Same Numerator Worksheet #4 (use <,>,=)

Compare Fractions with Same Numerator

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