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Grade 6 Math Worksheets
There are three sets of compare integers worksheets:
Integers, Less & More (one less, one more)
Compare Integers (use <, >, = )
Ordering Integers (increasing or decreasing order)
Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help Grade 6 students learn how to compare integers. Include integer word problems.
There are three sets of compare integers worksheets:
We can compare integers using the integer number line.
The integer number line is a visual representation of the set of integers. The number line includes positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero as can be seen in the following figure.
The number line is particularly useful for comparing integers. We can visually determine which integer is greater or lesser by their positions on the number line. Integers to the right are greater, while integers to the left are smaller.
Have a look at this video if you need to review how to compare integers.
Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Compare Integers Worksheets.
(Answers on the second page.)
Compare Integers Worksheet #1 (1-digit integers)
Compare Integers Worksheet #2 (integers from -20 to 20)
Compare Integers Worksheet #3 (2-digit integers)
Online or Interactive
Integers, 1 less or 1 more
Compare Integers
Add Integers, 2 operands
Add Integers, 3 or more operands
Subtract 2 Integers
Subtract 3 or more Integers
Multiply Integers
Divide Integers
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Integers on a Number Line Lesson
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