To compare fractions with the same denominators we look at their numerators. The one with the larger numerator is the one with the larger fraction.
Compare the two fractions and
is larger than
because the denominators are the same but the numerator is larger.
To compare fractions with different denominators, we can use cross product (or cross multiplication).
The first cross-product is the product of the first numerator and the second denominator.
The second cross-product is the product of the second numerator and the first denominator.
Then, compare the cross products using the following rules:
Compare and
First, get the first cross product by multiplying the first numerator and the second denominator.
4 × 10 = 40 (First cross product)
Next, get the second cross product by multiplying the second numerator and the first denominator.
3 × 7 = 21 (Second cross product)
Since the first cross product is larger, the first fraction is larger.
Compare and
First, get the first cross product by multiplying the first numerator and the second denominator.
5 × 9 = 45 (First cross product)
Next, get the second cross product by multiplying the second numerator and the first denominator.
8 × 6 = 48 (Second cross product)
The second cross product is larger, so the second fraction is larger.
The following video shows how to compare fractions using cross multiplication.
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