Videos and solutions to help GCSE Maths students learn how to complete the square in order to solve quadratic equations.
GCSE Maths - How to complete the square in quadratic equations
This video talks through the algebraic process known as completing the square. It looks at two examples of perfect squares of the form (x+a)2 and (x-a)2. It then shows how to complete the square expressions of the form (x+a)2+b
Quadratic Equation Completing the Square GCSE Maths revision Exam paper practice & help
GCSE Maths - Quadratic Equations 6 (Completing the Square) Higher Mathematics (IGCSE)
In this lesson we learn about perfect squares and how to complete the square on a simple quadratics equation.
Completing the Square GCSE Maths revision Exam paper practice & help
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