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Common Core (Algebra)
Common Core for Mathematics
Example, solutions, videos, and lessons to help High School students learn how to use the method of completing the square to transform any quadratic equation in x into an equation of the form (x - p)2* = q* that has the same solutions. Derive the quadratic formula from this form.
Common Core: HSA-REI.B.4a
Completing the Square 1
Part 1 of Showing how to the complete the square to solve quadratic equations.
Completing the Square 2
Part 2 of Showing how to the complete the square to solve quadratic equations.
Completing the Square 3
Part 3 of Showing how to the complete the square to solve quadratic equations.
Completing the Square 4
Part 4 of Showing how to the complete the square to solve quadratic equations.
Completing the Square 5
Part 5 of Showing how to the complete the square to solve quadratic equations.
Deriving the Quadratic Formula
This video shows the proof of the quadratic formula by solving ax2+bx+c by completing the square.
Completing the Square & Quadratic Formula 1
Part 1 of completing the square. This video shows how to derive the quadratic formula by completing the square, and has a song to remember the quadratic formula.
Completing the Square & Quadratic Formula 2
One more example of completing the square to solve a quadratic equation, when the coefficient of x-squared is not 1. The problem is also solved using the quadratic formula.
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