This is a series of lectures in videos covering Chemistry topics taught in High Schools.
These lessons look at calculating the concentration of a solution.
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IGCSE Chemistry
High School Chemistry
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Concentrations Calculations (% weight/volume)
A tutorial on calculating the concentration of a solution in % weight-volume.
You dissolve 2.5 moles of strantium acetate into 1.0 L of water. Determine the concentration of the solution in %W/C.
Concentration of Solutions: Volume/Volume % (v/v)
A volume/volume percent (v/v) gives the volume of solute divided by the volume of the solution (expressed as a percent).
The following video looks at calculating concentration of solutions.
We will look at a sample problem dealing with volume/volume percent (v/v)%
Rubbing alcohol is commonly used as an antiseptic for small cuts. It is sold as 70% (v/v) solution of isopropyl alcohol in water. What volume of isopropyl alcohol is used to make 500 mL of rubbing alcohol?
Concentration of Solutions: mass/volume % (m/v)%
The following video looks at calculating concentration of solutions.
We will look at a sample problem dealing with mass/volume percent (m/v)%.
Many people use a solution of sodium phosphate (Na3PO4 - commonly called TSP), to clean walls before putting up wallpaper. The recommended concentration is 1.7%(m/v). What mass of TSP is needed to make 2.0 L of solution?
Concentration of Solutions: Mass/Mass % (m/m)%
A mass/mass percent gives the mass of a solute divided by the mass of solution (expressed as a percent)
The following video looks at calculating concentration of solutions.
We will look at a sample problem dealing with mass/mass percent (m/m)%
CaCl2 is used to melt ice on roads. To determine how much CaCl2 has been used, you take a sample of slush to analyze. The sample had a mass of 23.47g. When the solution was evaporated, the residue had a mass of 4.58g. What was the mass/mass percent of CaCl2 in the slush? How many grams of CaCl2 were present in 100g of solution?
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