Common Core: HSG-CO.D.13
Constructing an Equilateral Triangle
Using compass and straightedge to construct an equilateral triangle.
Constructing an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle
How to construct an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle using
a safety compass.
Geometric Constructions - The Square
How to construct a square inscribed in a circle using only a compass
and straightedge.
Regular Hexagon Construction
How to use a compass and straightedge to construct a regular hexagon
inscribed in a circle.
Square From Diagonal Using Compass and Straight-edge
Given a line segment as the diagonal of a square, construct the
Let A-C be the given diagonal.
Step - 1 With A-C as radius and with centers as A & C
respectively draw two circles.
Step - 2 Find the points of Intersection of these two circles. Line
connecting these is perpendicular bisector of A-C.
Step - 3 with center as center point of A-C draw a circle passing
through A & C. Find points of inter-section of this circle with
perpendicular bisector of A -C. These are the vertices of square
namely B &
Step - 4 Complete the square A-B-C-D and hide all construction
Regular Hexagon Construction
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