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Charts, worksheets, videos, and songs to help Kindergarten & First GRade kids learn how to skip count by 10’s.
Skip counting by 10 is an important skill for understanding place value, addition, and multiplication. It’s also a quick way to count large quantities.
The sequence for skip counting by 10 is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80…
Each number is obtained by adding 10 to the previous one.
Skip counting by 10 is the same as multiplying by 10
The following skip count chart shows how to skip count by 10’s. Practice reading the numbers in red to skip count by 10. Notice that all the numbers end in 0. Scroll down the page for more examples, worksheets, and songs.
Skip Counting Worksheets
Free skip counting worksheets to practice your skip counting.
Printable & Online
Skip Count by 2 (Even) (eg. 2, __, 6)
Skip Count by 2 (Odd) (eg. 1, __, 5)
Skip Count by 3 (eg. 3, __, 9)
Skip Count by 4 (eg. 4, __, 12)
Skip Count by 5 (eg. 5, __, 15)
Skip Count by 6 (eg. 6, __, 18)
Skip Count by 7 (eg. 7, __, 21)
Skip Count by 8 (eg. 8, __, 24)
Skip Count by 9 (eg. 9, __, 27)
Skip Count by 10 (eg. 10, __, 30)
Skip Counting by 2’s
Skip Counting by 3’s
Skip Counting by 4’s
Skip Counting by 5’s
Skip Counting by 10’s
Skip Counting by 5’s (Sprint A)
Skip Counting by 5’s (Sprint B)
Counting By Tens Song
Climbing Up This Mountain- Counting by 10’s to 100 Song
Kids take a hike up their favorite mountain as they count by 10’s. This song helps youngsters to skip count by 10’s all the way up to 100, and to have a ton of fun along the way!
Skip Counting by 10
Baby Toes - A story to teach count by 10’s
Lessons on Skip Counting
Skip Count by 2’s
Skip Count by 3’s
Skip Count by 4’s
Skip Count by 5’s
Skip Count by 10’s
Skip Count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s
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