Compare Count On and Make Ten

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Eureka Math/EngageNY grade 1 module 2 lesson 5 Worksheets

New York State Common Core Math Grade 1 Module 2, Lesson 5
Eureka Math grade 1 module 2 lesson 5 Worksheets (pdf)

Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Grade 1 students learn how to compare efficiency of counting on and making ten when one addend is 9.

Common Core Standards: 1.OA.2, 1.OA.3, 1.OA.6

Lesson 5 Concept Development

I can compare counting on and making a 10 when an addend is 9.

Lesson 5 Exit Ticket

Show the most efficient way to solve the number sentences.

  1. 9 + 7 = ___
  2. ___ = 9 + 5
  3. 9 + 2 = ___

Lesson 5 Homework

Solve the number sentences. Use number bonds to show your thinking. Write the 10+ fact and new number bond.

  1. 9 + 6 = ____
    10 + ____ = ____
  2. 9 + 8 = ____
    ____ + ____ = ____
  3. 5 + 9 = ____
    ____ + ____ = ____
  4. 7 + 9 = ____
    ____ + ____ = ____
  5. Solve and match the number sentence to the 10+ number bond.
  6. Show an efficient strategy to solve the number sentences.

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