Count to Ten - Kindergarten

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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 1, lesson 25 Common Core Worksheets

Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 1, lesson 25 Common Core Worksheets

Worksheets for Kindergarten

Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to count 10 objects in linear and array configurations (5 and 5). Match with numeral 10. Place on the 5-group dot mat. Dialogue about 9 and 10 on the mat. Write numeral 10.

Topic F: Working with Numbers 9 to 10 in Different Configurations

Lesson 25 Concept Development and Problem Set

Draw a shape that might be a fence for a playground (demonstrate if you so choose). Draw 8 balls inside the fence. Count the balls. Share your counting with a friend.

Make a group of 9 smiley faces. Write the number 9. Count the smiley faces by connecting them with lines. Make sure you don’t count any of them twice! Compare your picture with that of a friend. Discuss what would happen if you had another smiley face in your picture.

Color 5 ladybugs in a row. Color the remaining ladybugs a different color. Count all the ladybugs and write how many.

Color 5 circles then draw 5 circles to the right. Count all the circles and write how many.

Discuss the groups within 9. 9 is 5 and 4. How does 10 change the 5-groups?
How did you color 5 squares? Did your partner color in the same way?
How are the ladybugs and squares different in how they are placed on the paper?
Focus on 10 as being 2 rows of 5 or 5 rows of 2. Also, find hidden partners within 9 and 10.
What did you learn today about the number 10?

Lesson 25 Homework

Color 9 squares. Color 1 square a different color.
Color 5 squares. Color 5 squares a different color.
Draw 10 circles in a line. Color 5 circles red. Color 5 circles blue.
Draw 5 circles under the row of circles. Color 5 circles red. Color 5 circles blue.

Lesson 26 Homework

Draw 5 triangles in a row. Draw 5 triangles in a row under them.
How many triangles did you draw?
Write the number in the box.

Learning Goal

I can count objects to 10.

Learning Goal

I can count objects to 10 and find hidden 5 groups.

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