Decompose the Number 7

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Eureka Math/EngageNY Kindergarten, module 4, lesson 23 Common Core Worksheets

New York State Common Core Math Kindergarten, module 4, lesson 23
Worksheets for Kindergarten, module 4, lesson 23

Worksheets, solutions, and videos to help Kindergarten students learn how to decompose the number 7 using 5-group drawings by hiding a part, and record each decomposition with a drawing and subtraction equation.

Topic D: Subtraction from Numbers to 8

Lesson 23 Concept Development and Problem Set

Noah had 7 red balloons. Two balloons popped as he and his kitties played with them.
Draw Noah’s balloons. How would you show that 2 of them popped in the picture? Can you make a number sentence about your story? Try to draw a number bond to go with it!

Say the number sentence. Fill in the blanks. Cross out the number.
Cross out 2 dots.
Cross out 5 dots.
Cross out 4 dots.

Draw and fill in the number bond and number sentence.
Draw 7 dots. Cross out 2 dots.
Draw 7 dots in a 5-group. Cross out 3 dots.
Draw 7 dots in a 5-group. Cross out 4 dots.

  1. Look at the Problem Set. Why is there a 7 at the top of each number bond? Where is the 7 in the number sentence?
  2. Which dots is the number seven talking about?
  3. Compare with your neighbor the dots you put an X on. Did you put the X on the same dots as your neighbor? Did it change how many dots were left?
  4. How can the number bond help you when you are taking away part of a number?
  5. How do the number bonds and number sentences go together?

Lesson 23 Homework

Fill in the number sentence and number bond. Cross out 5 dots.
Draw 7 dots. Cross out 3 dots.

Draw 7 dots in a 5-group like the first problem.
Cross out 4 dots.

On the back of your paper, draw 7 dots. Cross out some, and write a number sentence and a number bond to match.

Learning Goal

I can decompose 7, using objects and drawings.

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