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Lesson Plans and Worksheets for Grade 3
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Common Core For Grade 3
More Lessons for Grade 3 Math
Examples, videos, and solutions to help Grade 3 students learn how to decompose twice to subtract measurements including three-digit minuends with zeros in the tens and ones places.
Common Core Standards: 3.NBT.2, 3.NBT.1, 3.MD.1, 3.MD.2
Application Problem
Jolene brings an apple and an orange with her to school. The weight of both pieces of fruit together is 417 grams. The apple weighs 223 grams.
What is the weight of Jolene’s orange?
Note: This problem reviews unbundling once to subtract. It also provides context leading into the Concept Development.
Concept Development
In the Application Problem, Jolene’s apple weighs 223 grams and her orange weighs 194 grams. (Draw the tape diagrams)
What should the question mark in the tape diagrams represent?
How much heavier the apple is than the orange?
How much more the apple weighs, in grams?
What equation can you use to find out how much heavier the apple is than the orange?
223 grams – 194 grams.
To subtract we need to decompose twice.
How much heavier is the apple than the orange?
The apple is 29 grams heavier than the orange!
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