Design Prisms given Parameters

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Videos, examples, solutions, and lessons to help Grade 5 students learn how to apply concepts and formulas of volume to design a sculpture using rectangular prisms within given parameters.

New York State Common Core Math Module 5, Grade 5, Lesson 8, Lesson 9
Worksheets for Grade 5

Common Core Standards: 5.MD.3, 5.MD.5

Lesson 8 Homework

This video shows how to determine the dimensions of a prism given certain volume requirements.

  1. I have a prism with the dimensions of 6 cm by 12 cm by 15 cm. Calculate the volume of the prism, then give the dimensions of three different prisms that have 1/3 of the volume.
  2. Sunni’s bedroom has the dimensions of 11 ft by 10 ft by 10 ft. Her den has the same height, but double the volume. Give two sets of the possible dimensions of the den and the volume of the den.

Lesson 9 Homework

This video shows how to calculate the volume of rectangular prisms.

  1. Find three rectangular prisms around your house. Describe the item you are measuring (cereal box, tissue box, etc.), then measure each dimension to the nearest whole inch and calculate the volume.
    a. Rectangular Prism A
    Height: ______________ inches
    Length: ______________ inches
    Width: ______________ inches
    Volume: ______________ cubic inches
    b. Rectangular Prism B
    c. Rectangular Prism C

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