Dilation Worksheets

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Printable “Transformation” worksheets:

Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help Grade 7 and Grade 8 learn how to use a compass and a ruler to perform dilations. Learn that dilations map lines to lines, segments to segments, and rays to rays. Know that dilations are angle-preserving.

How to perform dilations of figures?

Dilation is a transformation that resizes a figure either by enlarging or reducing it while preserving its shape. This transformation is characterized by a scale factor and a center of dilation. The dilated figure will be similar to the original figure.

Key Terms:
Scale factor: The number by which the dimensions of a figure are multiplied.
Center of dilation: The fixed point from which the dilation occurs.

Steps to Perform a Dilation:

  1. Identify the center of dilation: This is the point from which all measurements will be taken.
  2. Determine the scale factor: This number will determine the size of the new figure.
    A scale factor greater than 1 will enlarge the figure.
    A scale factor between 0 and 1 will shrink the figure.
  3. Multiply distances: Measure the distance from the center of dilation to each vertex of the original figure. Multiply these distances by the scale factor to find the corresponding points on the dilated figure.
  4. Plot the new points: Plot the new points found in step 3 to create the dilated figure.

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to perform dilation.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Dilation Worksheets.

Dilation Worksheet

More Dilation Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Dilation Worksheet #1
Dilation Worksheet #2
Dilation Worksheet #3

Dilation Properties
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