Ee Words

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Videos, songs, stories, and solutions to help Grade 2 students learn about ee words.

The “ee” vowel pair is a vowel digraph that makes the long /ē/ sound (as in tree). It’s commonly found in short, simple words that are easy for beginners to read and write.

The following diagram shows some examples of ee-words. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Ee Words

Here are some free printable worksheets to help you practice using some digraph words.

Free Printable Worksheets for Digraphs

Printable Worksheets (EE, OO, OU, OI, AW)
EE Words
OO Words
OI Words
AW Words

Sentence Practice
Use simple sentences for kids to read and identify “ee” words:
The bee is on the flower.
I see a tree by the lake.
He has big feet.
We run on the street.
She feels the cool breeze.

Chicken Jane and the bees - ee story - BTL

Bo Peep - ee words

Beef in a sheet - ee words

Songs and Rhymes for ’ee’ Words
Use a rhyme or song to help kids remember the “ee” sound:
“The bees in the trees go e-e-e,
Buzzing around so happily!"

BTL - ee song

The word - weep

Try the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
Mathway Calculator Widget

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