Electrical Conductivity

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A series of free IGCSE Chemistry Activities and Experiments (Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry).

The key test to distinguish between metals and non-metals is electrical conductivity. A simple circuit is set up using either a light bulb or an ammeter. Power is supplied by batteries or a power pack. Examine a range of solid elements and alloys including magnesium, zinc, tin, iron, nickel, roll sulfur, graphite, brass and solder.

This video tests the electrical conductivity of some metals and non-metals: Copper, Carbon, Magnesium, Aluminum, Sulfur, Zinc, Silicon

The following video tests whether the graphite in a pencil lead conducts electricity.

Does liquid mercury conduct electricity?


  1. What types of material conduct electricity?
  2. What common structural feature is present in all the samples that conduct electricity?


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