Engineering Mathematics

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The topics covered are Chain rule, Partial Derivative, Taylor Polynomials, Critical points of functions, Lagrange multipliers, Vector Calculus, Line Integral, Double Integrals, Laplace Transform, Fourier series.

We also have free math calculators and tools to help you understand the steps and check your answers.

Chain rule: partial derivative
Chain rule: identity involving partial derivatives
Chain rule & partial derivatives
Partial derivatives and PDEs tutorial
Partial derivatives and error estimation
Taylor polynomials: functions of two variables
Leibniz' rule: Integration via differentiation
Evaluating challenging integrals via differentiation: Leibniz rule
How to find critical points of functions
Critical points + 2nd derivative test: Multivariable calculus
How to find and classify critical points of functions
Lagrange multipliers
Extreme values of a function subject to a constraint
Lagrange multiplier example: Minimizing a function subject to a constraint
Multivariable Calculus: Directional derivative of $f(x,y)$
Lagrange multipliers example
Vector Calculus
Divergence of a vector field
Curl of a vector field (ex. no.1 & 2)

Path integral (scalar line integral) from vector calculus
Line integral example in 3D-space
Line integral from vector calculus over a closed curve
Line integral from vector calculus over a closed curve
Line integral example from Vector Calculus
Double integral tutorial
Double integrals in polar coordinates
Double integrals and area
Double integrals
Volume between two surfaces
Volume of a tetrahedron
Reversing the order of integration Reversing order in double integrals
Homogeneous first order ordinary differential equation
Solution to a 2nd order, linear homogeneous ODE with repeated roots
2nd order ODE with constant coefficients: simple method of solution
2nd order ODE with constant coefficients: non-standard method of solution
Intro to Laplace transform
Laplace transform + differential equations
First shifting theorem of Laplace transforms
Laplace Transform: First Shifting Theorem
Second shifting theorem of Laplace transforms
Laplace Transform: Second Shifting Theorem
Laplace Transform of tf(t)
Intro to Fourier series and how to calculate them
How to compute a Fourier series: an example
Fourier series + differential equations

Math Calculators and Tools

Chain Rule Calculator
This tool will help you to understand the differentiation process of a composite function. Use show steps to see possible differentiation steps.

Chain rule
Composite function f(g(x))=

Partial Derivative Calculator
This tool will help you to understand the possible partial derivative steps.

MathsPro101 - Partial Derivative (w.r.t)
f(x,y)= with respect to

Double Integral Calculator
This tool allows you to calculate double integrals in f(x, y)

Double Integral Calculator
x from to
y from to

Laplace Transform Calculator
This tool allows you the calculate the Laplace Transform of the given function.

LaPlace Transform

Fourier Series Calculator
This tool allows you to calculate the Fourier series of a function.

Fourier series of f(x)
f(x) =

Calculus Calculator with step by step solutions
Functions, Operations on Functions,
Polynomial and Rational Functions,
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions,
Sequences and Series,
Evaluating Limits, Derivatives,
Applications of Differentiation,
Integrals, Applications of Integration,
Techniques of Integration,
Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

Try the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice various math topics. Try the given examples, or type in your own problem and check your answer with the step-by-step explanations.
Mathway Calculator Widget

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