Equivalent Expressions Worksheets

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Printable โ€œAlgebraic Expressionsโ€ worksheets:
Distributive Property for Expressions
Factoring Expressions
Writing Expressions
Evaluate Algebraic Expressions
Simplify Expressions
Equivalent Expressions
Write Expressions for Word Problems
Equivalent Expressions using Number Properties

Examples, solutions, videos, and worksheets to help Grade 7 students review how to write equivalent expressions by combining like terms and other properties.

How to write equivalent expressions?

Equivalent expressions are different algebraic expressions that simplify to the same value for any given input. Understanding and identifying equivalent expressions is a fundamental concept in algebra.

Methods to Find Equivalent Expressions

  1. Simplification: Simplify expressions by combining like terms and using arithmetic operations.
  2. Distribution: Use the distributive property ๐‘Ž(๐‘+๐‘) = ๐‘Ž๐‘ + ๐‘Ž๐‘ to expand or factor expressions.
  3. Factoring: Factor expressions to show equivalence.
  4. Substitution: Substitute values to verify that two expressions produce the same result for the same input values.

Identifying Equivalent Expressions
To determine if two expressions are equivalent:

  1. Simplify Both Expressions: Simplify each expression as much as possible. If they simplify to the same form, they are equivalent.
  2. Expand Both Expressions: If either expression is factored, expand it. If both expanded forms are the same, the expressions are equivalent.
  3. Substitute Values: Substitute several different values for the variable. If the expressions yield the same result for each substitution, they are likely equivalent.

Have a look at this video if you need to review how to write equivalent expressions.

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Equivalent Expressions Worksheets.

Use Equivalent Expressions to simplify Expressions

More Equivalent Expressions Worksheets

(Answers on the second page.)
Equivalent Expressions Worksheet #1
Equivalent Expressions Worksheet #2
Equivalent Expressions Worksheet #3
Equivalent Expressions Worksheet #4
Equivalent Expressions Worksheet #5
Equivalent Expressions Worksheet #6

Equivalent Expressions

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