Equivalent Measurements (Decimals)

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Videos, examples, solutions, and lessons to help Grade 5 students learn how to use decimal multiplication to express equivalent measurements.

Common Core Standards: 5.NBT.5, 5.NBT.7, 5.MD.1, 5.NBT.1, 5.NBT.2

New York State Common Core Math Module 2, Grade 5, Lesson 14
Worksheets for Grade 5

Grade 5 Mathematics Reference Sheet for Unit Conversions

The following table gives the customary unit conversions for grade 5. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Customary Unit Conversions

The following table gives the metric unit conversions for grade 5. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Metric Unit Conversions

Lesson 14 Concept Development
Problem 1
7.43 kilometers = _____ meters
Problem 2
1.8 miles = _____ yards
Problem 3
0.83 kilograms = _____ grams = _____ milligrams

Lesson 14 Problem Set

  1. Convert. Use your Reference Sheet to help you remember the conversion factors.
    a. 4.5 km = _______ m
    b. _______ fl oz = 2.75 c
    e. 3.25 gal = _______ qt

Lesson 14 Homework
This video demonstrates how to find equivalent measurements with decimals as factors.

  1. Convert. Use your Reference Sheet if necessary. a. 2.7 kL = _______ L
    b. _______ fl oz = 4.25 c

d. 9.13 kg = _____ g
g. 1.3 tons = _____ lb
3. A standard hot tub holds 2.3 kiloliters of water. After filling up two of nine hot tubs, Johnson’s water service truck empties. How many liters of water are still needed to fill the remaining tubs?

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