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Escape Orange Room
This letter is from Barbie. "Yesterday, you offered me your hand in marriage. I need a dependable and clever man in my life, so escape my room to see if you are that man."
You have to find 16 puzzle pieces:
1. your first view is of the bed. click under it. you will see yarn, an origami, a stocking, a pin cushion, and
some bugs. before getting your first piece click on the left bed leg several times [mine took 8] to get a sword.
you will need this the whole time. FIRST PIECE is in the origami. pick up the origami. double click on it in your inventory. the piece is folded up inside the origami. to unfold click on the 'leg' that is at the bottem right. then click on the big triangle to the left of the leg. viola your first piece. you can put the origami back now. [click on it and click on the floor where you picked it up.]
2. click near the bottom of your screen to get back out from under the bed. SECOND PIECE is in the middle drawer of the nightstand. double click the knob to open it. it barely sticks out, but you can see a tiny sliver of grey. thats it. while here click on the bottom drawer and pick up the rope for later.
3. click near the bottom of the nightstand up against the baseboard to view behind the nightstand. THIRD PIECE is all the way in the back. you can see the corner sticking out near the far edge of the nightstand.
4. click near the bottom of your screen to get back out from behind the nightstand. FOURTH PIECE is under the bed. to get to it you have to lift both pillows and pull back the bedspread [all done by clicking]. they only stay that way for a short time, but when they do you can see the piece stick out of the bedspread.
5. click near the left side of the screen to get to another wall. this view is of the palm trees. FIFTH PIECE is in a coconut. pick all three. double click them in your inventory. then use your sword to cut them in half. one contains a piece. put them back when your done.
6. click on all the palm fronds to pick them up. double click on them in your inventory. when viewing them up close
click on it. it will flip over. SIXTH PIECE is on the back of a palm frond. after checking each one put them back or you wont have enough room to hold the piece.
7. click near the left side of the screen to get to the third wall. this view is of the door. there is a coat rack
near the middle of the screen. on the coat rack is a purple/blue dress, a green coat, and a pink dress.
SEVENTH PIECE is in the green coat. [this piece is hardest to find]. click on the coat. double click on it in your inventory. on the left sleeve [which is on the right side since you are viewing it from the front] you will notice a black mark. it is about a centimeter from the top. that is a bit of the piece sticking out. you will need to click on it several times. each time it slides down a little. it took me 11. it will then pop out of the bottom of the sleeve. once you get the piece put the coat back on the rack.
8. take the pink dress that is on the coat rack. double click on it in your inventory. click on it once to get to
the back view. EIGHTH PIECE is inside the dress. undo the zipper by clicking on it. it will reveal your piece. put it back on the rack.
9. below the coat rack is a lounge chair type of thing. NINTH PIEC is in between the cushions. click on the line that divides the two cushions on the front of the lounge chair. you will see a closer view. this piece is the hardest to see. in the divider crack is a tiny grey triangle. that is the corner that is sticking out. take it. click near an edge of the screen to go back to your door view.
*Your inventory is now mostly full. you need to put some of your pieces into the puzzle. to get to the puzzle click on the left side of the screen. you will now be at the dining view. you will see a painting of a ship underwater. the puzzle is behind it. to get it off the wall you have to click on it several times. it took me 20 clicks. it will uncover the puzzle. click on it. you can then click on your pieces and click on the black square to put them in. then click near the edge to go back to the dining view. click on the right side of the screen to go back to the door view.
10. on the left side of the screen is a dresser. on the dresser is a red zipper bag. click on it. double click it
in your inventory. click on the zipper to undo it. pick up the nail file. you will need this later.
TENTH PIECEis in the bag. near the top right corner is an area that looks like the lining has been cut and sewn back together. use your sword on it to cut it open. take out the piece. put back the bag.
11. open the top drawer in the dresser. near the bottom right of the drawer is red material. click it. it turns out
to be a red dress. now you have a clear view of what appears to be a speedo. click on the right edge of the speedo.
You will end up clicking on a pink 'feminine product'. You can then put the red dress back. Click on the bottom edge
of the drawer to get a bra. click on it two more times to get two more bras. you will need the pink lacey d-cup.
you can put the other two c-cups back. shut the drawer. ELEVENTH PIECE is in the pink 'feminine product'. double click on it. use the nail file on the screw to open it. the grey rolled up item is a piece. take it.
12. click on the left edge of the screen to go to the dining view. click on the toaster that's on the bottom left of
the screen. double click on it in your inventory. TWELFTH PIECE is inside the toaster. for this piece you have to be quick. push the red bar down to start toasting. the piece will show up when the bread is done and springs out. it will be on the right slot. to get it click like crazy where it will shows up after you push the red bar. it may take several tries. put the toaster back.
13. click on the space between the two towels in the middle of the screen. THIRTEENTH PIECE is in between the towels. it will zoom in. the piece sticks out of the left towel. click near the edge to get back to the dining view.
14. click on the bottom left corner of the shelves hanging on the wall. FOURTEENTH PIECE is on the bottom shelf. click near the edge to get back to the dining view.
15. click on the green bottle, candle stick, and martini glass to lift them off the table. FIFTEENTH PIECE is under the table. it will come out if you click on the table to shake it. it will only work if you lift up the 3 items. it will fall on the floor. pick it up.
Put the pieces in the puzzle and solve [can't really help you here...play around with it until you get it].
once solved take the hammer. then click near the edge of the screen to get out of the puzzle view.
click twice on the right or left edge to get to the palm view. the area of the wall where the plaster has worn away you can see brick. smash it with your hammer 4 times. you will reveal a safe.
use the rope on the safe. click on the safe to pull it out. you will need to enter a code which i cannot give to you because it changes each time. but i can help. turn on the television. write down the order of the colors-purple green yellow red blue white. you will need to find certain objects of these colors that have numbers on them.
PURPLE. to get the number for purple go to the dining view. on the very right side is the edge of the dresser. click on the curling iron that is on it. double click it to view it up close. the number is on the handle (ex. mine says 9)
GREEN. to get the number for green go to the bed view. click under the bed. click on the yarn. double click it to view it up close. the number is on the paper part. (ex. mine says 7)
YELLOW. to get the number for yellow go to the bed view. click on the yellow/gold lamp on the ledge above the bed. double click on it to view it up close. the number is right under the purple candle on the gold part. its kind of hard to see. (ex. mine says 4)
RED. to get the number for the red go to the door view. click on the red zipper bag again. open it and take out the pink compact mirror. double click on it to view it up close. the number is on the red part. (ex. mine says 8)
BLUE. to get the number for the blue go to the bed view. click on the area between the four red dots in the center of the tapestry thats hanging above the bed. the number is on the blue part. (ex. mine says 0)
WHITE. to get the number for the white go to the door view. you will see a coat rack. at the bottom of the coat rack is a pair of white shoes. click them. double click on them to view it up close. the number is on the right shoe near the heel. (ex. mine says 8)
go back to the safe and enter your code (ex. mine is 974808)
pick up the magic wand. combine the magic wand with the sword by viewing one up close. you will have a 'strong samurai sword'. then go to the dining view. click on the window to raise it. you will then see bars. click on them. you'll see it up close. you then have to cut them with your strong sword. cut the ones connecting it to the wall. they cut in the middle. then use the magic wand on the d-cup bra to make a gigantic woman's bra. click on the bra and then click outside the window. the bra will work as a parachute and you will have escaped.
The above walkthrough information was obtained from the FreeGamesNews Forum.
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