Escape Games - Escape Pink Room
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Escape Pink Room
You are trapped in a pink baby bedroom today, and once again, you will find a lot of items in this game, and not all of them are useful. Your inventory can only contain a limited number of items, so pick them wisely.
Escape Pink Room is as good as Escape Library, and features new logical puzzles, including Sudoku. Check the Pink Room and every item closely.
Escape Pink Room
Walkthrough for Escape Pink Room
Click on answer to see the hints.
Bullet 1: Go right and open first aid kit on shelf. (Click kit open, then click on open space/inside kit to see contents of kit). Click on scissors into inventory. Go right once more to the crib. Click on teddy bear. Enlarge teddy bear in inventory, and use the scissors to cut the tummy open at the small x. This will reveal a brown key, click the key into inventory. Put the teddy bear back into the crib. Go left and put the scissors back into the first aid kit.
Go left again to the first room. Click close-up on the red and yellow chest on the bottom shelf. Use the brown key from inventory to open the chest, which is full of gems. Click as many of the gems into inventory as you can (should be 9 gems), which will reveal the bullet. Click the bullet into inventory. Then put all the gems back into the chest to clear inventory.
Go right twice again back to the crib, and click on the teddy bear again. Enlarge the teddy bear in inventory, and put the brown key back into his tummy. Put the teddy bear back in the crib.
Bullet 2: Go back to the left twice to the first room. Click left pillow on bed, bullet is lying underneath.
Bullet 3: Click behind yellow/red chest, bullet is lying there. Click exactly at rear left corner of chest, at bottom.
Bullet 4: Click under bed. Pick up candy, enlarge it in inventory and click off wrapper. This will expose the bullet, which you can then click into inventory. Put candy back.
Bullet 5: Go right once and click under base of lamp. Click exactly on center round leg, and it should reveal a paperclip. (Might take a few clicks). Click paperclip, which reveals a bullet. Click on bullet (barely seen peeking out from behind center leg of lamp). Put paperclip back.
Bullet 6: Open first aid kit. Click on antihistamine. Click on bullet underneath (very faint image). Put antihistamine back.
Bullet 7: Click on latex glove inside first aid kit. Go to right twice, and click behind pink safe to the right. Pick up lipstick. Enlarge lipstick in inventory, and use latex glove on it three times. Another bullet will click into inventory. Put lipstick back behind right of safe. Go left twice, and put latex glove back in first aid kit.
Bullet 8: Click on stethoscope from first aid kit. Go right twice again to pink safe. Click close-up on lock. Click on stethoscope; and still holding it click on the lock numbers one by one, left to right. The stethoscope will allow you to hear the louder click when the right number falls into place. Be sure to turn up sound volume on your computer. Start with the left number, and rotate until one of the numbers sounds like a louder click than the rest. Repeat this for the other 5 numbers in turn. This shouldn't take very long; it's fast if you listen carefully. Click on the bottom or top number to rotate each one.
Once you have all 6 numbers in place, the safe door will open. Remove all 3 piles of money into inventory. Click on the bullet. Put all 3 piles of money back into safe. You have to place the last two piles of money to either side of the center one. The safe door doesn't close, it remains open. Go left twice, and put stethoscope back in first aid kit.
Bullet 9: Go right twice, and click on bottom right (facing us) pocket of blue jacket. Make sure you click exactly (tip of pointy finger) at the very bottom (peak) of the pocket, and a bullet should click into inventory.
Now that you have all 9 bullets in inventory, you must solve the Sudoku puzzle in order to obtain the bullet case. Go left twice, and click on the blue puzzle on the table. Solve Sudoku, and it will reveal the bullet case and a screw. Click on the bullet case for inventory, you don't need the screw.
Enlarge the bullet case in inventory, and put all 9 bullets from inventory into the case one by one. Put bullet case back in inventory.
End Of Game:
Go right twice to metal wastebasket. Click inside, and remove items (green bowl and blue thing) until you see the gun. Click gun into inventory. You can put extra inventory items back, but it is not necessary at this point in the game.
Click left once to face door. Click on door, and use gun from inventory to shoot 9 times at the door. (Be sure sound is turned down as this is loud!) Put gun back into inventory, and click on door. It will open and end of game!
The above walkthrough information was obtained from the FreeGamesNews Forum.
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