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Illustrative Math
Grade 7
Let’s explore the circumference of circles.
Illustrative Math Unit 7.3, Lesson 3 (printable worksheets)
The following diagram shows how to identify the diameter, center, radius, and circumference of a circle.
Clare wonders if the height of the toilet paper tube or the distance around the tube is greater. What information would she need in order to solve the problem? How could she find this out?
Coins, cookies, and drinking glasses are some examples of common circular objects.
Suppose you had another circular object with a diameter that is half as long as the diameter of your largest circle. What would its circumference be?
Here are five circles. One measurement for each circle is given in the table.
Use the constant of proportionality estimated in the previous activity to complete the table.
The circumference of the Earth is approximately 40,000 km. If you made a circle of wire around the globe, that is only 10 meters (0.01 km) longer than the circumference of the globe, could a flea, a mouse, or even a person creep under it?
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