This lesson is part of a series of practice test questions for the quantitative reasoning section of the GRE revised General Test.
These are the directions for the Quantitative Comparison Questions.
Directions: Compare Quantity A and Quantity B, using additional information centered above the two quantities if such information is given, and select one of the following four answer choices:
(A) Quantity A is greater.
(B) Quantity B is greater.
(C) The two quantities are equal.
(D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Example 1:
Quantity A: √3002
Quantity B: 15√3
Example 2:
Quantity A: 4-3 × 3-4
Quantity B: 1
Example 3:
Quantity A: √203
Quantity B: 4√2
Example 4:
x > 1 and y > 0
Quantity A: xy - 1
Quantity B: xy
Example 5:
2n + 2n + 2n + 2n = 4n + 3
Quantity A: n
Quantity B: 4
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