Biology Required Practical: Food Tests

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GCSE Biology Required Practical - Food Tests

Investigate the use of chemical reagents to identify starch, reducing sugars, proteins and fats.

Carry out food tests shown below:

  1. identify starch by using iodine solution
  2. identify reducing sugars using Benedict’s solution (and a water bath)
  3. identify protein using the Biuret test (adding potassium hydroxide to a solution of the food, followed by copper sulfate)
  4. identify fats and oils (lipids) using the emulsion test to show the formation of a precipitate

Food Tests - GCSE Science Required Practical
How to test foods for four different chemicals?
00:00 Preparing food samples
04:37 Benedict’s test (glucose)
05:32 Iodine test (starch)
06:13 Ethanol test (fats and lipids)
07:16 Biuret test (protein)
08:20 Analysis

Required Practical: Food Tests
Describe how to carry out chemical tests for carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (fats). Preparation:

  1. Take the food sample and grind this with distilled water using a mortar and pestle. We want to make a paste.
  2. Transfer the paste to a beaker and add more distilled water. Stir so the chemicals in the food dissolve in the water.
  3. Filter the solution to remove suspended food particles.

Check out the sample question and solution on Sample Assessment Material (page 19), paper 1BI0/1BH and 1BIO/1BF.

The sugar molecule glucose can be detected by a chemical test.
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