Fraction as Division

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Videos, examples, solutions, and lessons to help Grade 5 students learn how to interpret a fraction as division.

Common Core Standards: 5.NF.3

New York State Common Core Math Grade 5, Module 4, Lesson 3

Worksheets for Grade 5

The following diagram shows how to write a division expression in unit forms, improper fraction, and mixed numbers. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions.
Division, Fraction

Lesson 3 Problem Set

  1. Fill in the chart.
    Division Expression, Unit Forms, Improper Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Standard Algorithm
    b. 3 ÷ 2
    c. 24 fourths ÷ 4 = 6 fourths
  2. A principal evenly distributes 6 reams of copy paper to 8 fifth-grade teachers.
    a. How many reams of paper does each fifth-grade teacher receive? Explain how you know using pictures, words, or numbers.
    b. If there were twice as many reams of paper and half as many teachers, how would the amount each teacher receives change? Explain how you know using pictures, words, or numbers.
  3. A caterer has prepared 16 trays of hot food for an event. The trays are placed in warming boxes for delivery. Each box can hold 5 trays of food.
    a. How many warming boxes are necessary for delivery if the caterer wants to use as few boxes as possible? Explain how you know.
    b. If the caterer fills a box completely before filling the next box, what fraction of the last box will be empty?

Lesson 3 Homework

  1. Fill in the chart.
    Division Expression, Unit Forms, Improper Fractions, Mixed Numbers, Standard Algorithm

This video shows how to convert and compare division problems to fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers. It also demonstrates how to solve basic division problems using an algorithm.

  1. Fill in the chart.
    a) Division Expression: 4 ÷ 3
    b) Mixed Number 1 2/5
  1. Fill in the chart.
    b) c) d)
  2. A coffee shop uses 4 liters of milk every day.
    a. If they have 15 liters of milk in the refrigerator, after how many days will they need to purchase more? Explain how you know.
    b. If they only use half as much milk each day, after how many days will they need to purchase more?

1 b) c)
3. Polly buys 14 cupcakes for a party. The bakery puts them into boxes that hold 4 cupcakes each.
a. How many boxes will be needed for Polly to bring all the cupcakes to the party? Explain how you know.
b. If the bakery completely fills as many boxes as possible, what fraction of the last box is empty? How many more cupcakes are needed to fill this box?

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