Fraction Two-Step Word Problems - Mixed Numbers Worksheets

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Objective: I can solve two-step word problems involving addition and subtraction of mixed numbers.

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“Fraction Word Problems” Worksheets:
Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
2-Step Fraction Word Problems (Add, Subtract)

1-Step Mixed Number Word Problems (Add, Subtract)
2-Step Mixed Number Word Problems (Add, Subtract)

Solving mixed number word problems involves applying arithmetic operations to mixed numbers in real-world situations.

Steps to Solve Mixed Number Word Problems:

  1. Carefully read the word problem to understand what it is asking.
    Identify the quantities, units of measurement, and any other relevant details.
  2. Determine what information is given in the problem and what is known.
    Identify the different steps or components of the problem.
  3. Identify what the problem is asking you to find. This may involve finding intermediate values or the final solution.
  4. Decide on a strategy to solve the problem. This may involve breaking the problem into smaller steps, converting mixed numbers to improper fractions, performing arithmetic operations, or applying other problem-solving techniques.
  5. Follow your plan and perform the necessary calculations to solve each step of the problem.
    Use arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division as needed.
  6. After solving each step, check your answer to ensure it makes sense and matches the problem’s requirements.
    Re-read the problem to verify that you have answered each part correctly.
  7. Clearly state your final answer in the context of the problem.
    Use proper units and labels if applicable.

Printable Mixed Number Word Problems

Click on the following worksheet to get a printable pdf document.
Scroll down the page for more Mixed Number Word Problem Worksheets.

Mixed Number Word Problem Worksheet

(Answers on the second page.)
Mixed Number Word Problems Worksheet #1
Mixed Number Word Problems Worksheet #2
Mixed Number Word Problems Worksheet #3

Online Fraction Word Problems

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!

Solve the following word problems.

Irene bought 7 3/8 m of cloth. Molly bought 1/2 m less than Irene.
a. How many metres of cloth did Molly buy?

b. How many metres of cloth did they buy altogether?

Jasmine cooked 1 5/6 kg of rice. Alice cooked 5/8 kg more than Jasmine.
a. How many kg of rice did Alice cook?

b. How many kg of rice did they cook together?

Jonathan had 8 5/6 m of string. Matthew bought 5/9 m more than Jonathan.
a. How many metres of string did Matthew buy?

b. How many metres of string did they buy altogether?

Harold prepared 4 3/7 litres of drinks for a party. Dan also prepared drinks and he prepared 1 1/2 litres less than Harold. What is the total volume of drinks that Harold and Dan prepared altogether?

Jeremy collected 12 3/4 kg of newspaper for recycling. Brian collected 3 2/5 kg more than Jeremy. Find the total mass of newspaper that Jeremy and Brian collected together.

Henry has 7 3/5 metres of rope, and Sam has a rope that is 1 1/6 metres shorter than Henry’s. What is the total length of rope that Henry and Sam have altogether?

Ryan collected 3 2/5 kg of mangoes and 5 2/3 kg of guavas from his orchard. His son also collected some fruits, and his son’s collection was 1 3/4 kg less than the total weight of the fruits that Ryan collected. Find the total mass of all the fruits that Ryan and his son collected altogether.

Suzie bought 1 1/4 kg of lettuce and 1 2/3 kg of spinach. Then, she bought a bunch of bananas that was 2/3 kg heavier than the total weight of the vegetables that she bought. What was the total weight of the bananas and vegetables in kg?

20 1/3 litres of drinks were prepared for a school basketball match. The players drank 9 1/2 litres during the first half of the game. In the second half, the players drank 1 3/5 less than in the first half. What is the volume of drinks left at the end?

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We hope that the free math worksheets have been helpful. We encourage parents and teachers to select the topics according to the needs of the child. For more difficult questions, the child may be encouraged to work out the problem on a piece of paper before entering the solution. We hope that the kids will also love the fun stuff and puzzles.

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