The following are worked solutions for the questions in the math sections of the SAT Practice Tests found in the The Official SAT Study Guide Second Edition.
It would be best that you go through the SAT practice test questions in the Study Guide first and then look at the worked solutions for the questions that you might need assistance in. Due to copyright issues, we are not able to reproduce the questions, but we hope that the worked solutions will be helpful.
6. Correct answer: (C)
A table showing the test scores for 16 students
Sam’s score of 95 is added to the group
To find:
The median score for the test
Topic(s): Statistics
The median of the 16 students is the average of the 6th and 7th student, which is 90.
After adding Sam’s score, the median would be the 9th student, which is 85 (remember to add Sam to the number of students with score of 95)
Answer: (C) 85
7. Correct answer: (D)
Total capacity of 16 containers of one size is x gallons
Total capacity of 8 containers of another size is also x gallons
x > 0
To find:
The capacity of the larger container in terms of x
Let a be the size of the 1st container
Let b be the size of the 2nd container
12a = x
8b = x
The second container is bigger. Rewrite b in terms of x
Answer: (D)
8. Correct answer: (D)
Rectangle ABCD lies in the xy-coordinate plane so that its sides are not parallel to the axes
To find:
The product of the slopes of all 4 sides of rectangle ABCD
Topic(s): Coordinate geometry
The product of the slopes of perpendicular lines = -1.
From the sketch above,
Answer: (D) 1
9. Correct answer: 2/3, 0,666 0,667
An hour-long television program included 20 minutes of commercials
To find:
The fraction of the hour-long program that was not commercials
Not commercial is 60 minutes – 20 minutes = 40 minutes Fraction of not commercials =
Answer: 2/3, 0,666 0,667
10. Correct answer: 10/3, 3.33
The product of 0.3 and a number is equal to 1
To find:
The number Solution:
Let x be the number
Answer: 10/3, 3.33
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