GCSE Maths - Upper and Lower Bounds (Accuracy of Measures) Higher A* Topic Edexcel
- Find the upper and lower bounds in the following cases.
(a) 3 cm to the nearest 1 cm
(b) 245 to 2 significant figures
(c) 2.15m to the nearest 5cm
(d) 26.6 to 1 decimal place
(e) 32.9mm to 3 significant figures
- A length of wood measures 3 metres long by 10cm wide. Smaller pieces of wood are to be cut from it, each measuring 10cm by 35mm, the width correct to the nearest millimetre. Calculate the maximum and minimum number of pieces that can be cut from it.
- Mugs are made in the shape of a cylinder, with internal dimensions of 9.3cm tall and 7.5cm diameter, both meaurements correct to the nearest millimetre.
a) What is the maximum amount of liquid it will hold?
b) What is the minimum amount of liquid it will hold?
- A full jar of coffee weighs 750g. The empty jar weighs 545g. Both weights are accurate to the nearest 5g.
Calculate the maximum and minimum possible values of the weight of coffee in the jar.
- David travels from Manchester to London in 3 1/2 hours, measured to the nearest half hour. The distance from Manchester to London is 200 miles, measured to the nearest 10 miles. Calculate upper and lower bounds for the average speed of David’s journey.
GCSE Maths Edexcel June 2014 1MA0/1H Higher Non-Calculator (complete paper)
GCSE Maths Edexcel June 2014 1MA0/2H Higher Calculator (complete paper)
GCSE Maths Edexcel June 2015 1MA0/2H Calculator (Complete Paper)
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