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More Lessons for Trigonometry
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A series of free Trigonometry Lessons.
The following diagrams show the characteristics of sine graphs. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions on graphing sine functions.

The following diagrams show the characteristics of cosine graphs. Scroll down the page for more examples and solutions on graphing cosine functions.

An Introduction to the Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions
Graphing Sine or Cosine Functions with Different Coefficients (Amplitude and Period)
State the amplitude and period of each of the following functions:
a) y = -4cos(3x)
b) y = 1/2 sin(x)
Finding Maximum and Minimum Values and Zeros of Sine and Cosine
Find the maximum value and minimum value for the functions:
a) y = 6 sin(7x)
b) y = -1/2 cos(3πx)
Solving Word Problems Involving Sine or Cosine Functions
A market research company finds that traffic in a local mall over the course of a day could be estimated by
P(t) = -2000 cos(π/6 t) + 2000
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