Graphs of Quadratic Functions

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Examples, videos, and solutions to help Algebra I students represent graphically a non-linear relationship between two quantities and interpret features of the graph. They will understand the relationship between physical quantities via the graph.

New York State Common Core Math Algebra I, Module 1, Lesson 2

Worksheets for Algebra 1

What is a Quadratic Function?
Describe the motion of a ball rolling down a ramp.
Estimate the general shape of the graph of the elevation-versus-time of the ball rolling down the ramp.

If you jumped in the air three times, what might the elevation versus time graph of that story look like?
Label the axes appropriately.

Here is an elevation versus time graph of a ball rolling down a ramp. The first section of the graph is slightly curved.
a. From the time of about seconds onwards, the graph is a flat horizontal line. If Ken puts his foot on the ball at time seconds to stop the ball from rolling, how will this graph of elevation versus time change?
b. Estimate the number of inches of change in elevation of the ball from seconds to seconds. Also estimate the change in elevation of the ball between seconds and seconds.
c. At what point is the speed of the ball the fastest, near the top of the ramp at the beginning of its journey or near the bottom of the ramp? How does your answer to part (b) support what you say?

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If you jumped in the air three times, what might the elevation versus time graph of that story look like? Label the axes appropriately.

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