Escape Games - Green Mirrors Escape Game
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Green Mirrors Escape Game
You are trapped in a Room and the door is locked. To open it, collect all the green mirrors hidden in the room and use them to light the four crystals.
Play Green Mirror Escape Game
Walkthrough for Green Mirrors Escape Game
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Drag the tree to the side, there's a mirror behind it. Go to the right, there's a mirror under the desk. Click under the desk to get a hammer. There's a mirror under the couch and one on the right of it. The coins aren't really important, unless you plan to join the website. Go to the right, there's a mirror on the left of the sofa and one under it. There's also one next to the generator, in plain view. Use the hammer on the generator.
Go to the right, here's the wall where you need to attach the mirrors. Place the mirrors on top of the dots to attach them. You should have seven mirrors at this moment. Go to the right, the lamp shows an X, use the hammer on it. There's a key in the wall. Use it on the vault in the next screen. You get one mirror, a cable and a coin. Use the cable on the random number device, click the computer and watch the video, count the number of actors (not the cameraman). Give the number you got and the number of actors in the right fields, press 'generate password'. You get a number. Go to the right, give the number in the field of the safe, press the round button. The safe opens. You get three more mirrors and some coins.
Attach those last mirrors to the wall, press the red button in the middle and play with the mirrors until all four crystals are green. Wait awhile. Go to the door and go through. Done!
The above walkthrough information was obtained from the FreeGamesNews Forum.
Green Mirrors Escape
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