A series of free IGCSE Chemistry Activities and Experiments (Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry). These lessons look at heat displacement.
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Heat of Displacement - Energy changes in metal displacement reactions
When a more reactive (electropositive) metal displaces a less reactive metal from a
solution of its salt, heat is given out. The heat of displacement is the heat change
when one mole of metal is displaced from its salt solution by a more reactive metal.
It can be determined by measuring the heat change occurred when a more reactive
metal is added in excess to a known quantity of a salt of a less reactive metal.
The heat of displacement of a metal is different when it is displaced by different metals in the reactivity series. For example, the heat of displacement of copper by magnesium is higher than the heat of displacement of copper by zinc. This is because magnesium is more reactive than zinc.
First draw up a table to record the temperature change before and after adding the zinc powder.
After the maximum temperature is reached, why does the temperature eventually begin to fall?
Would you expect the maximum temperature reached to be higher or lower if we repeat the above experiment with magnesium instead of zinc? Why?
What, if any, are the parallels between the heat energy produced in these reactions and the electrical energy generated in the appropriate electrochemical cells?
How can the reaction be monitored continuously?
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