IGCSE 2020 0610/23 May/June (pdf)
- The diagram shows what happened in an experiment with plant seedlings.
Which characteristic of living things made the seedlings grow towards the light?
A excretion
B nutrition
C respiration
D sensitivity
- A rat has the scientific name Rattus rattus.
What do the two parts of this name refer to?
A genus and species
B kingdom and genus
C kingdom and species
D variety and genus
- Onion plant cells swell but do not burst when placed in distilled water.
Which cell component prevents the onion plant cells from bursting?
A cell membrane
B cell wall
C nucleus
D vacuole
- The diagram shows an onion plant epidermal cell.
The distance between X and Y on the diagram is 60 mm.
The actual length of the cell between X and Y was 150 μm.
What is the magnification of the cell?
- Which diagram shows the appearance of a plant cell several minutes after it has been placed in a
concentrated solution of sugar?
- The diagram shows two adjacent plant cells.
Which statement describes what will happen to the water in the cells?
A equal movement between cells
B net movement from X to Y
C net movement from Y to X
D no movement between cells
- The diagram shows a section of DNA, with four bases identified on one strand.
Which sequence of bases would be on the other strand, starting from the top?
- Which food-testing solution shows a positive result when it turns from blue to purple?
A Benedict’s solution
B biuret solution
C ethanol
D iodine solution
- Which statement about enzyme-controlled reactions is correct?
A During the reaction, a substrate changes into a product.
B The enzyme is slowly broken down during the reaction.
C The higher the pH the faster the reaction.
D The product is gradually used up during the reaction.
- Increasing temperature above the optimum for the enzyme results in loss of enzyme activity.
How is this explained?
A less frequent collisions between the enzyme and the substrate
B reduced kinetic energy of the enzyme molecule
C substrate molecules move faster and effective collisions are less likely
D the shape of the active site is changed and the substrate will no longer fit into it
- The diagram shows how the rate of photosynthesis varies with light intensity.
The four curves show different conditions of temperature and carbon dioxide concentration.
What limits the rate of photosynthesis at point P?
- Why do plants need nitrate ions?
A to make amino acids
B to make fats
C to make glucose
D to make starch
- The table shows the percentage of the daily recommended intake of nutrients in a serving of four foods.
Which food would be the best choice to prevent scurvy?
- The diagram shows a villus in the small intestine.
What is absorbed at X?
A fats
B glucose
C glycogen
D starch
- Samphire is a plant that grows in coastal areas. It has adaptations that enable it to live in areas with high salt concentration in the soil and strong winds.
Which adaptations would samphire possess to minimise water loss from root cells by osmosis
and leaves by evaporation?
- Which row correctly states the pair of conditions that will result in the highest rate of
- The diagram shows some veins in the human arm and the valves that they contain.
If blood is squeezed out of section X–Y, where should pressure be placed on a vein to stop blood
flowing into this section again?
- The diagram shows some of the blood vessels leaving and returning to the heart.
Which row is correct for blood vessels X and Y?
- Vaccinations can be given to gain active immunity.
Which statement about this type of vaccination is correct?
A The vaccination contains antibodies.
B The vaccination must contain harmful pathogens.
C The vaccination triggers antibody production in the body.
D The vaccination triggers antigen production in the body.
- The diagram shows an alveolus and capillary in a human lung.
Which row shows the correct gas and concentrations for diffusion from X to Y in normal
- The symbol equation for aerobic respiration is shown.
C6HxOy + 6O2 → 6COz + 6H2O
Which numbers represent the letters shown in the equation as x, y and z?
- Blood glucose level is kept between 5–7 mmol per dm3. The concentration of glucose in the intestine varies and is often less than that value.
What would be required for the absorption of glucose into the blood when the concentration of
glucose in the intestine is less than 5 mmol per dm3?
- The diagram shows a synapse between a motor neurone and a relay neurone.
What passes from P to Q?
- What change occurs in a ‘fight or flight’ situation?
- What happens when a person enters a very hot room?
- Which disease is caused by a virus?
- Which row describes cross-pollination?
- The diagram shows the head of a sperm.
What are the functions of structures X and Y?
- Which row describes what happens in the production of proteins?
- Which statement about meiosis is correct?
A Meiosis produces diploid cells.
B Meiosis produces genetically identical cells.
C Meiosis produces gametes.
D Meiosis produces cells for growth of tissues.
- The diagram shows the inheritance of ABO blood groups. The blood groups of some of the
individuals are given.
What could be person 2’s genotype?
- In mice, the allele for black hair is dominant to the allele for brown hair.
What proportion of offspring will have brown hair if a cross is made between a homozygous black
mouse and a heterozygous black mouse?
- The graph shows the masses of two different types of tomato.
What can be concluded from the graph?
- Which adaptation may be present in a xerophyte?
- The diagram shows a food chain in a rock pool.
seaweed → whelks → crabs → seagulls
What will happen if the number of secondary consumers increases?
- What is defined as ‘all of the populations of different species in an ecosystem’?
- What is the role of anaerobic respiration in bread-making?
- A crop plant has been genetically modified to make it resistant to herbicides.
39 Chickens are birds that are farmed to produce eggs for human consumption.
A type of chicken has been bred to lay more eggs.
Which method would be used to produce this type of chicken?
- When a river is polluted by fertiliser, the following processes may occur.
1 increased aerobic respiration of decomposers
2 increased growth of producers
3 decreased oxygen concentration in the water
What is the correct sequence for these processes?
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